Breaking News thread!

I like it, they are the future, but I need my tax credit before I pull the plug. Of course I could do it now and park at the bottom of Anderson and pop out on Dayton Cyn via Bell. Charge all day and reverse. Would I be poaching? Yep here and there but it is time to grasp the future cause the future is here.

Happy charging trails.

Make the frame out of solar pannels.....whalla infinate range.
Sorry DDD, won't work at night, unless you get one of those generators that run off your tires.....
I’m saving up for a new bike and I’m still gonna go for pedal power only. Aside from not wanting to deal with the extra costs, hassle, wear and tear on parts.. I just don’t want the stress of knowing I’m an a-hole constantly breaking the rules where I ride. Call me weird but I hate being “that guy” and it applies to all walks of life.

When I know you need to be in a certain lane to merge while driving I get in the back of the line and curse the entitled jerks that cut the line at the last minute which is the main cause of the backup to begin with. If everyone takes the “I’ll skirt the right thing to do” approach the world would be worse than it already is, and it’s already pretty friggin bad.

Now push all the illegal riding aside and I do see a point and appeal to e-bikes but more so for someone like my wife. Just not there yet in needing to make my 1-2 hour rides into a “I can do more laps” type of thing.

Not trying to fling poo or encourage a debate here, seems like we are able to talk about these things a little better today than even just a few months ago. Just can’t grasp the entitlement to break the rules because the opinion that they should be allowed over them currently not being allowed (where I ride).

Plus my daughter is still in private school so I can’t afford the additional cost upfront and on the quicker wear and tear of parts that I mentioned before. :p
I've been using those off and on since 2016. They are on my Karate Monkey right now. They were nice to have during the 8 Hours of Temecula. The 2nd gen ones are lighter, but my first gens have a pivot at the clamp, so you can remove them without moving grips, brakes, shifters, etc. TOGs are a similar concept that is much less supportive, (But also less intrusive and bulky,)

The reviewer is using them in an odd position. The early documentation I saw for these indicated that they should be closer to the grip, (thus allowing easy swapping between positions and access to the brakes,) and farther forward.
My CRV got broken into AGAIN. Parked at the wall on Windsor. It was only parked there for 1.5 hours. Door lock punched, nothing missing, center console left open. That's THREE TIMES now. :mad:
That really sucks:thumbsdown:. Is riding from home an option? If not maybe it's time to setup an IMTB sting operation or buy a total beater vehicle just to get your bike to and from that location.
My CRV got broken into AGAIN. Parked at the wall on Windsor. It was only parked there for 1.5 hours. Door lock punched, nothing missing, center console left open. That's THREE TIMES now. :mad:
Argh! :mad:

I've always parked on Mountain View. A friend's parents lived on that street so we'd always park in front of their house. Not sure if they still live there but I'm sure it's okay to park there.