Aliso-Wood and Laguna Coast Wilderness Parks

I too was frustrated by the cancellations. However the “go team” didn’t seem like a real option when it was asked. If I were them I’m not going to rely on a group that hasn’t proven themselves to make major trail changes. I think if there was a large reliable team then we could apply pressure.

Why aren’t people volunteering? I think the vast majority of it’s selfishness. I know guys that ride way more than me, multiple days per week, and almost exclusively ride Aliso/Laguna yet they always have an excuse about why they can’t volunteer.

Regarding the participation cap, that’s not a hard rule as far as I have experienced. I email them when I miss the sign up deadline or the event is full and I’ve never been turned away. The cap seems more to keep them from getting flooded with people that are there because they need some sort of volunteer credit and don’t have interest beyond that. If real volunteers are being knowingly turned away then I would be upset. There also appears to be an openness to doing none scheduled days if one can put together a group. I don’t know enough people to be able to arrange this but the fact that they will engage me with these questions seems positive.
I am hopelessly optimistic too, with a modicum of current reality thrown in. I speak with Hallie Jones (LCF) on a fairly regular basis and appreciate the balancing act she is expected to maintain.

LCF caps the volunteer work crews at about 10. I signed up for four trail work days after the Town Hall (and had done several prior). All of them were cancelled because it had rained - the BEST time to do the trailwork. LCF claims it was OC Parks who wouldn't let the work commence.

Many MtBers at the meeting last fall suggested having a "go team" at the ready, to respond right after a rain. That didn't happen. As you know, planning a trailwork day months in advance relegates the work to brush and drains, and no tread work. Or at least, there shouldn't be any tread work when it's dry.

So my question is this, why are the riders not volunteering to do the trailwork? Is it because of frequent cancellations? Capping participation? Working with a guy who is tough to work with? Frustration with the style of trail improvements? Seeing no point in doing trailwork when it's dry? Or are they just selfish and want others to do the work? I truly don't know.

Thank you for your dedication to local trail advocacy. I will keep pushing the rock up the hill as well.
I’ve signed up at least four times as well only to have the trail work cancelled, and several other times I’ve tried to sign up but the trail work is capped. So I don’t totally thinks it’s for lack of effort or desire of mountain bikers wanting to contribute.

There’s a lot of politics in action with LCWP, or at least that’s my understanding.
...several other times I’ve tried to sign up but the trail work is capped. So I don’t totally thinks it’s for lack of effort or desire of mountain bikers wanting to contribute.

I recommend emailing them next time it’s full and telling them you want to participate, maybe mention that you’re a mountain biker.
I recommend emailing them next time it’s full and telling them you want to participate, maybe mention that you’re a mountain biker.
They know me well, but I realize you were responding to Brett. I think the ones that were full also happened to be the ones cancelled, but yes, always a good idea to reach out directly.

I appreciate your optimism Kurtis. I will continue to advocate for mt bike trails and continue to do trailwork whether through LCF or other authorized diggers. I've supported LCF for years and I will continue doing so, even though they can be very frustrating.
Huh not if this happened rode Rockit did not see a single indication of trail work ... Of course I could have missed it vision blurs at the speed I was traveling.. (not)

Hey @herzalot oh master of Aliso... On Car Wreck at The Drop facing down trail which line do you take Left Middle or Right (not P Line on far right) actual drop... Had not ridden it in a while... Did left it was ok I was a bit sloppy and solo had to take a look at it first. Thinking for next time.
Huh not if this happened rode Rockit did not see a single indication of trail work ... Of course I could have missed it vision blurs at the speed I was traveling.. (not)

Hey @herzalot oh master of Aliso... On Car Wreck at The Drop facing down trail which line do you take Left Middle or Right (not P Line on far right) actual drop... Had not ridden it in a while... Did left it was ok I was a bit sloppy and solo had to take a look at it first. Thinking for next time.

Trail work was on 5 Oaks.
Huh not if this happened rode Rockit did not see a single indication of trail work ... Of course I could have missed it vision blurs at the speed I was traveling.. (not)

Hey @herzalot oh master of Aliso... On Car Wreck at The Drop facing down trail which line do you take Left Middle or Right (not P Line on far right) actual drop... Had not ridden it in a while... Did left it was ok I was a bit sloppy and solo had to take a look at it first. Thinking for next time.
I just close my eyes and hope!

I think I hit it slightly left of center. This photo doesn't look airborne, and frankly, it looks nearly flat, but those who know know...

Car Wreck Huck 10-18.jpg
Yeah @herzalot it's much bigger than that in real life plus looking at that picture I think more of the soil below it is gone now That's about where I took it yesterday.
After seeing this thread I decided to hit Car Wreck today. Haven't been on that trail this calendar year. Love it!

Entering the "drop zone" I got bounced a little right of the line that's depicted above and hit it just right of center. Definitely more abrupt in the center or slight right. No worries (OK, I was a little worried). Just commit to the huck then head left upon landing to manage the hardest part of the trail.
There are some interesting dayglo orange marking sprayed on several places on lizards. a couple of the features and a low-hanging branch I was not sure what to make of it but I suspect maybe they're going to be worked on.
Did you see these recently? I removed them two weeks ago with permission from the ranger...They were not authorized and not for work, at least according to the ranger.
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That there is a six-point Buck I saw at 6:03 p.m. this afternoon climbing Willow this was just below where Upper Laurel meets Willow pretty awesome. 6 points you say?... I was slow with the camera but I got a good look when he turned his head and I counted one two three ..One two three.

It was an odd night and this will distract from the post but I called in to Laguna coast because I ran into two young men smoking cigarettes and after I chewed them out made them put their cigarettes out I called in just to let Laguna coast folks know and they were maybe sending a ranger from Crystal cove but they wanted the picture and the information about the buck as well. I Haven't seen a big deer there in quite some time and the ranger said they don't seem any anymore so this was a bit surprising.

Classic yeti picture at a distance.

That there is a six-point Buck I saw at 6:03 p.m. this afternoon climbing Willow this was just below where Upper Laurel meets Willow pretty awesome. 6 points you say?... I was slow with the camera but I got a good look when he turned his head and I counted one two three ..One two three.

It was an odd night and this will distract from the post but I called in to Laguna coast because I ran into two young men smoking cigarettes and after I chewed them out made them put their cigarettes out I called in just to let Laguna coast folks know and they were maybe sending a ranger from Crystal cove but they wanted the picture and the information about the buck as well. I Haven't seen a big deer there in quite some time and the ranger said they don't seem any anymore so this was a bit surprising.

Classic yeti picture at a distance.

View attachment 57709

I wanted to ride Willow last night but remembered that the parking lots on 133 close at 5pm. Where do you park for your evening rides?
If you don't want to park at the top (Ridge Park Drive - Newport Coast), you can park near the athletic club or u-haul driveway in the canyon. It's about 300 yards south of the Willow lot.

Ah ha! I just spotted the "No Stopping: Begin" sign at the Canyon Club, so I assume the shoulder south of there is ok. I'd always seen those sporadic no stopping signs along 133 and figured it was the whole street. That's a good enough spot, minus the dash across the road. But worth it for another after work option, especially given the sea breeze. Thanks.
Ah ha! I just spotted the "No Stopping: Begin" sign at the Canyon Club, so I assume the shoulder south of there is ok. I'd always seen those sporadic no stopping signs along 133 and figured it was the whole street. That's a good enough spot, minus the dash across the road. But worth it for another after work option, especially given the sea breeze. Thanks.
I use the little dirt lot next to the U-Haul driveway. Never had a problem.
Sorry Yes Sunday Night 7/14 very bright / new looking ... yeah the seemed to be marking Jump Points

I just rode it tonight and there was a few changes that people need to be aware of....

Someone did some work on the first steep rocky section where there was the original trail with washboard rocks on the right and a new P line on the left. I came around tonight and went to the right as I always do, and at the last minute noticed someone changed the trail, but shifting it to the left. To stop people from continuing right, they put in two big rows of basketball sized rocks. You are now forced to go left. I got stopped, but barely.

I hiked back up so I could re-start and assumed I missed a sign, but I didn't see anything. I am surprised if this is OC Parks as it doesn't seem like their kind of work and there are not their usual warning signs. I just rode it on the last open space day 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the changes were not done then.

Does anyone know anything about it? Sorry if it has been discussed but I looked on here, but didn't see anything. (I was surprised no one has mentioned anything).
I just rode it tonight and there was a few changes that people need to be aware of....

Someone did some work on the first steep rocky section where there was the original trail with washboard rocks on the right and a new P line on the left. I came around tonight and went to the right as I always do, and at the last minute noticed someone changed the trail, but shifting it to the left. To stop people from continuing right, they put in two big rows of basketball sized rocks. You are now forced to go left. I got stopped, but barely.

I hiked back up so I could re-start and assumed I missed a sign, but I didn't see anything. I am surprised if this is OC Parks as it doesn't seem like their kind of work and there are not their usual warning signs. I just rode it on the last open space day 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the changes were not done then.

Does anyone know anything about it? Sorry if it has been discussed but I looked on here, but didn't see anything. (I was surprised no one has mentioned anything).
I am assuming this is on Lizard, but I had to check back about ten posts to confirm.

If it's the place that I think you are describing, it was originally a path of pavers. Over time, the STRAVA racers and others pushed the trail left. I never took the new route, just stayed on the intended path. So you're saying someone decided to route everyone around the pavers by putting up dangerous obstacles with no warning. Was it LCF or just some random douche, I wonder...
Hmm that was not there Sunday ... Hard for me to even comprehend that. Need to picture... the official line is over the wash board or I like to say the molars with receding gum lines. The left line was the ride around so I'm totally confused. Whoever was doing wacky stuff few weeks ago who knows maybe it's part of that
I am assuming this is on Lizard, but I had to check back about ten posts to confirm.

If it's the place that I think you are describing, it was originally a path of pavers. Over time, the STRAVA racers and others pushed the trail left. I never took the new route, just stayed on the intended path. So you're saying someone decided to route everyone around the pavers by putting up dangerous obstacles with no warning. Was it LCF or just some random douche, I wonder...

Yes! Lizards!

So I always took the pavers as well. They were on the right side of the trail once it started widening. Lately, there was a lot more trail on the left and another line off the right.

Basically, the pavers are torn up and placed sicking up in 2 lines across the trail where the main line was before. Now you must go all the way to the left side. It breaks up the flow enough that it very well could be OC Parks based on some other stuff they've done, but I don't know of them making changes that are well marked and dangerous if you don't realize they are there.
Just want to say I rode this last week on thursday and wasn't mad at what I saw. Maybe they were in the middle of doing the work when you guys saw it, but they are turning that rock paver area into an S curve with a left-right-left flow to it. It's looking like they are going to utilize the entire width that the P-lines created and use a catch berm on the right hand corner that now exists with the left side p-line around the rock pavers formed. This actually sets you up nicely to finish the section on the right side of the trail for the left hand corner that exits it. Honestly, not all that bad of a change. I never minded the pavers, but they were awkward and didn't ride all that well once the dirt came out from in between the rocks. Not an issue for me, but I've seen plenty of less experienced riders just freeze and go lock limbed at the sight of those rocks.

To me, as long as they finish it well, this will have some good flow and it's a line that makes sense with where the terrain and trail sorta dictates you should be. I have hope for now, right up until everything gets out-sloped and built when there is zero rain so it just falls apart.
Just want to say I rode this last week on thursday and wasn't mad at what I saw. Maybe they were in the middle of doing the work when you guys saw it, but they are turning that rock paver area into an S curve with a left-right-left flow to it. It's looking like they are going to utilize the entire width that the P-lines created and use a catch berm on the right hand corner that now exists with the left side p-line around the rock pavers formed. This actually sets you up nicely to finish the section on the right side of the trail for the left hand corner that exits it. Honestly, not all that bad of a change. I never minded the pavers, but they were awkward and didn't ride all that well once the dirt came out from in between the rocks. Not an issue for me, but I've seen plenty of less experienced riders just freeze and go lock limbed at the sight of those rocks.

To me, as long as they finish it well, this will have some good flow and it's a line that makes sense with where the terrain and trail sorta dictates you should be. I have hope for now, right up until everything gets out-sloped and built when there is zero rain so it just falls apart.
Given the "flow" of the top part of Camarillo - one of the most recent examples of LCF trail logic, I wouldn't hold much hope. The intention will be solely to slow bikes to a crawl.