
Ride Name: Wrightwood!
When: Saturday, July 13
Time: 3:30 AM
Where: Jackson Lake
Ride Description or Details:
Probably 20ish miles... Finish when the sun comes up. :)
Up Boy Scout and over to Logjammer, Leprechaun, and who knows what else. You haven't lived until you've seen the sun come up at the end of a Wrightwood ride.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location:
Jackson Lake
Skill Level:
Ride Pace:
Social Cruise. This will not be fast... The downhills take on a whole different look and feel at night. PRs are not the goal...
Type of Ride:
Rider Limit:
Anticipated Mileage: 20+
Elevation Gain: Enough.
Ride Duration: 3 hours
Previous Ride Reports: https://www.imtbtrails.com/forum/threads/i-rode-my-bike-today.2149/page-466#post-144419
Possible Bail-Outs:
It's all downhill...
Food/water suggestions:
Enough for 3-4 hours on the bike. Lights are mandatory. A stop at the bakery on the way out is also mandatory. :)
Option to Upload:
I’m out of town until Sun July 14 :(
We're idiots and knuckleheads in the same thread! This may be a new record. How are we going to top that? :p:D :thumbsup:

Edit: The lurkers who read this stuff must think we're all nuts...
You’re right - the lurkers don’t know that I know the two of you well enough to poke fun and at the same time be completely in awe of what you are willing to do on a bike.

So I probably shouldn’t use the word “numbskulls” either then... :whistling:
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