One thing about traditional retirement is that it comes at an age when priorities are likely to change, especially with athletic endeavors. Sure, we can still ride, but generally at a reduced intensity or with a more risk-averse mentality. Every place I'm currently looking at has proximity to great trails and trail-building opportunities. But how much longer will I care? I've ridden waves of passion through backpacking, road biking, surfing, trail running, bike touring, skiing at resorts and in the backcountry, rock climbing, mountain biking and trail work. Part of me wants to continue with the latter, and part of me wonders if there isn't something new around the bend.
If we move (and I'm hoping we will), it's going to have to work for both of us and have good opportunities for change and growth. I like the idea of a college town. I'd like to be in or near a healthy forest (does that still exist?), but with wide-open views. I love fall colors. I've lived in a townhome for almost 20 years and don't want to live under the rules of a homeowner's association. I prefer sunshine to rain, and I'm pretty sure I want to be on the west side of the continental divide.