What Should I Get My Wife For Christmas?

Well, it's come to this. I will turn to my brothers and sisters of IMTB to help me.

My wife says she doesn't want anything. She always says that.

We've been married 28 years. We aren't big on Anniversary, Valentines, Birthday or Christmas gifts - but we both appreciate a little something.

She does not like "practical" gifts like appliances or kitchen items. Minds out of the gutter boys - I mean household appliances.

She does not like sporting equipment at this point. No Fred Flintstone bowling balls, if you get the reference.

Can't buy clothing. Not into jewelry.

She loves spending time with her daughter, and oddly enough, with me.

I want her to have something to open on Christmas morning.

One of the best gifts that @mtnbikej got me a couple of years ago was a horseback ride at Sunset Ranch in Hollywood. It was awesome because it was for both of us to spend time together, for which he isn't a big partaker in my passion for horses. But the 2 of us went and had a great time. They run a pretty good outfit out there. That's my 2 cents.
Easy answer... Squatty potty.

Well, it's come to this. I will turn to my brothers and sisters of IMTB to help me.

My wife says she doesn't want anything. She always says that.

We've been married 28 years. We aren't big on Anniversary, Valentines, Birthday or Christmas gifts - but we both appreciate a little something.

She does not like "practical" gifts like appliances or kitchen items. Minds out of the gutter boys - I mean household appliances.

She does not like sporting equipment at this point. No Fred Flintstone bowling balls, if you get the reference.

Can't buy clothing. Not into jewelry.

She loves spending time with her daughter, and oddly enough, with me.

I want her to have something to open on Christmas morning.

I got my wife Hawaii
You guys (and gals) are the BOMB! Top ideas for my situation...

Horsey ride on the beach
Cooking class
LA Philharmonic and night out.

Of course, with eloquent thoughts on a hand-written card.

Sorry @doublewide. She prefers an AR-17.

Or Hollywood Bowl Box seats with Gourmet "Picnic Basket" ... That my Friend is awesome too! but its a wait until summer thing... Some Cool music for all types.