What Are You Doing Differently?


Well-Known Member
Maybe of limited interest, but some good ideas might be generated, and mine probably aren't original, but here goes:
1) Driving like a little old lady (not from Pasadena) because have limited interest in discussing anything with a cop's face in my driver's side window.
2) Biking very conservatively (even more wimpish than usual) since I don't want to need a hospital visit.
3) "Incubating" mail for three days (probably longer than necessary) before opening. Get it from the mailbox every couple of days, put it in an unused area, then open three days later.
4) Holding my credit card with a disinfectant wipe, and wiping down after use. Using a disposable glove to pump gas.
5) Washing my hands vigorously every time I come home from outside.
Most of the same things as @fos'l posted but I also have a baggie full of gloves and surgeon masks at the ready in my car if I find myself in a situation where keeping social distance spacing is not possible. I have a bottle of hand sanitizer in my car as well.

I get paid by some of my accounts in cash so I am leaving the bills out in a non-disturbed area for at least a day. It's my understanding that this virus can only survive on surfaces for a max of 8 hours.

Luckily, most of the businesses where I do my work are closed (and we make arrangements to get me in) so I am not really mixing in the usual people traffic since this mess started.
I went hiking at Wind Wolves, got past all the posers and went out in where there was really know one. Plan to ride there and so I can really get past all the "social distancers" who stand in huge groups.

Went with to Santa Barbara to UCSB, only got out the car when people weren't around. Daughter will be going there in the fall and we wanted to check it out.
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Washing my hands more than normal. Otherwise, no change.
Washing my hands way more than normal. Using hand sanitizer way more than normal. Actually got two rides in this weekend.
I didn't go all out, but I didn't hold back.

@Faust29 will be very happy to hear I'm NOT giving out hugs, fist bumps, chest bumps, high fives, or handshakes.
It's killing me, but it's better than killing me. o_O

Cathy is being way more cautious than I am. I've been at work every day. My office building is pretty deserted. I could probably work from home about 30% of the time.
I may work from home Friday.

I'm with @mike on some selective imtbtrails thread viewing. :sneaky::whistling:
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1) last ride was last Thursday. no riding or hiking until this is over. only leisure walks around the neighborhood.
2) I've been WFH for close to 10 years now and with a decent stock of supplies, don't go anywhere besides the leisure walks and my property
3) the only mail I receive that I open is from the IRS or some other government agency. everything else is all done via email.
4) work is INSANELY crazy (healthcare)
5) wear gloves and carry my SN95 mask when taking the leisure walks
6) A lot of reading- leisure and business
7) cut down caloric consumption to about 1,600 per day
8) having a BLAST playing with my son and hanging out with my wife
9) checking in on close friends and family regularly should they need to tap into my supplies
Washing my hands way more than normal. Using hand sanitizer way more than normal. Actually got two rides in this weekend.
I didn't go all out, but I didn't hold back.

@Faust29 will be very happy to hear I'm NOT giving out hugs, fist bumps, chest bumps, high fives, or handshakes.
I's killing me, but it's better than killing me. o_O

Cathy is being way more cautious than I am. I've been at work every day. My office building is pretty deserted. I could probably work from home about 30% of the time.
I may work from home Friday.

I'm with @mike on some selective imtbtrails thread viewing. :sneaky::whistling:

I'm with @mike & @ Mikie too. Also trying to reduce caloric like @Maderas84 since my activity has diminished too.
Washing my hands more than normal. Otherwise, no change.

Same here but to be honest, since I retired from the police department 5 years ago, I've apparently been living the "quarantine life" 95% of the time anyway. If I'm not riding one of my bikes or walking my dog, I'm indoors and home alone. I order most things I need online and when I do go out, it's to one of the currently approved places anyway (Vons, Trader Joes, Lowes).

When I ride, I may not be going "all out" but I'm not taking it easy either. I already learned the hard way, with a fractured neck, that taking it easy isn't the answer. It's better to at least ride hard enough your need to be focused on the task at hand.

I've avoided the Coronavirus thread myself because like many political topics (guns, abortion anyone?), everybody has their own thoughts and you're not going to change anybodys mind.
(1) I told my wife to think of every person as a big virus and behave accordingly :)
(2) I wash my hands in the laundry room EVERY time before I enter the house.
(3) When I leave the house, I do not touch my face/head until I return home and have washed my hands. It is a little distracting, but you can do it if you concentrate on it.
(4) I use a single disposable glove when I pump gas.
(5) I have cut my out-of-house trips by 80% if not more. I can't recall the last time I have gone several days without leaving the house.
(6) Otherwise, I just try to be aware of where people are, and maintain safe distancing. I do not freak out if I have to use a shopping cart, or pick up a can of soup that someone else might have touched.
I didn't go to work on Friday..... the 3 day weekend at home where NUTS!

My wife is stressing out, and the negative vibe was starting to affect me.
I went back to work this morning. Apparently woodworking is a critical industry.
We are extremely busy at work, and the stress of customers looking for their order frantically is confusing.
It seems to me that every one of them is looking to stock up before they are forced to shut down (it makes zero sense).

At the same time, I'm trying to figure out how would the government massive handout will affect us (As a company and individually)...
"Paying people not to work" doesn't add up. Two weeks of seek pay is fine (as long as I don't have to pay for it).
At this point, all of our production employees area here at work. Most of our customers and vendor are working.
I saw plenty of people out an about this weekend. The world is not coming to an end TODAY!

Striking a balance between being careless vs. scared of the "the invisible enemy" is the key.
Beer good..
Try apple beer...
Good too..

I stopped picking my nose, biting my nails, rubbing my eyes... at the same time ;)

Wash my hands regularly and I have a couple of work coats/jackets that stay at work since I regularly carry boxes around. Tried wearing gloves but really uncomfortable to type on the keyboard, but I require my guys to wear them when dealing with walk up customers.
We Pinesol the crap out of our counters that get touched, and all handles. Especially the bathroom handles.
I stopped shaking people's hands.

I shop way more often. Something to do, and it's like a game - what will be on the shelves, and what can I make of it?

I'm trying to give appropriate social distance, but try that in a supermarket aisle.

I dialed back my speed on my bike about 5% so I'm less likely to go to the ER. Looks like I won't be riding locally for a while.

I wiped down pens and the countertops and wore gloves today while handing out technology to 200 students.

I'm sleeping later in the morning.
This whole thing is saving me a fortune. My wife used to go to the store daily and now hasn’t gone in over a week. Reality is she can probably go another couple weeks at least so we might just save enough money for me to build a new Ripley... Her & Nick are really doing great following the rules which has been a big surprise to me.

Me well...
Still working even though I’d like a vacation.
Using a few less squares of TP.
Washing my hands all the damn time.
Grilling a bit less cuzz the wife isn’t going to the store as much.
Fist bumping @Mikie instead of hugging him.
That’s about it but I’ve always been a simple guy...
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Welp, the hubby is working from home and I can’t teach my classes for who knows how long, so things are outta whack for sure:eek:. But I’m not hating getting to play outside every day so the hubs can have some quiet time for his conference calls. This home together thing is a work in progress, but we’ll get it nailed down:thumbsup:
Other than that things are pretty much the same. My family is pretty darn healthy thank God, so just normal hand washing and maybe sanitizer if we have to go to town. I really dislike shopping of any kind, so no problems there, I’d much rather play in the mountains:D
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I'm in the habit of going to a salad bar every day and making a super salad. That convenience is not available at this time. Going to have to get back on track even though more effort will be required.
I’m very used to going to salad bar at Whole Foods for lunch at work because it’s close by. Who knows if that’s ever coming back or if I won’t be afraid to do it. Eating healthy at work might get a little tougher.