What A Sunset Tonight.....

We had a great one today. Smoke rising from the firemen playing in Matilija Canyon burning out anything and everything that was left alive. Smoke went up, then south then wrapped east along the beach. This gave the sunset and extra bit of color to an already firey red orange sunset. Sunsets always look better from the single trac.
Happy Sunset Trails
Just now...

yes it was quite nice, I saw it from my truck as work kept me very late today. It is a reward for going to OAK. I should get out but it is now late. I saw one set of lights on The Top of The World getting ready to drop Space Mtn. Probably out there just to rub it in. He said " You smuck: WTF are you doing getting home now when you should be up here"
Happy drooling over night single track trails
Great pictures h^b. The high dez without all the city lights is hard to beat sometimes.


Oh yeah, that's where AT is...
Seeing those pics makes me think hmm... AT night ride? Who's in? Should be all kinds of crazy eyeballs staring at us as we navigate pucker mountain in the dark. If ya crash and get hurt I bet there's no meat on your bones by morning.