Vimeo can "Suck It!"

Hey @Mikie , sorry this happened. It looks like Vimeo is starting to crack down much like Youtube now. From someone who works in the music world, public performance rights to be specific, this is a big deal. It might not seem like it to the individual such as yourself, but multiply that times 100's of millions, and things can easily get pout of hand, and the ability for intellectual property holders to be compensated for their work diminishes incredibly. During this day and age, digital platforms are not the leading source of income, compared to traditional methods such as record sales, FM radio play (who even listens to the radio anymore), etc... This is why there is greater scrutiny now days when it comes to music use on the internet, because essentially, this is where songwriters now rely on for revenue.

Vimeo makes it pretty clear on their page their copyright policy. Although I know your videos are intended for personal enjoyment, the fact that they are accessible to the world, essentially qualifies the music as a public performance, and under copyright law, the performance can be of indirect or direct benefit to the source for it to require permission form the copyright owner. Your videos might not have a million views, but if they did, there could be some compensation whether through advertising or business driven your way.

Vimeo and Youtube classify their accounts to have this potential benefit and require copyright compliance as a result, even if most of the content and accounts probably don't have the viewing traffic to realistically make a difference, but remember, add each account up times millions and it starts to add up.

I love your MTB videos Mikie but I agree with @doublewide , I prefer to hear the tires on dirt, the grunts of pain, and the stoke of the riders as opposed to a music soundtrack when watching MTB videos lol. :p
That's why I came to you...Smart Guy! ;)
I'm in agreement with these guys... There is no better soundtrack than the sounds of the trail. Tires on dirt, wind whistling through your hair, etc...

As such, I give you permission to use in perpetuity the soundtrack from the video below. I own the rights to that entire piece. :whistling:

Funny strange... Not funny ha hah! But it's just painful to watch a brother get hurt. I have been in that very position so many flippin' times so I'm feeling what you are feeling...
I can watch my own crashes all the time... well some times they hurt when I watch them too.
I'm in agreement with these guys... There is no better soundtrack than the sounds of the trail. Tires on dirt, wind whistling through your hair, etc...

As such, I give you permission to use in perpetuity the soundtrack from the video below. I own the rights to that entire piece. :whistling:

Ah yes, the natural sounds of air escaping from your tires........oh, wait.......that wasn’t your tires you say ? :eek:
Pinkbike will be subject to the same exact copyright infringement rules as does Vimeo. Neither apparently enforce it until they are caught, then the video owner is penalized and the video is pulled.
Yes sir, I am well aware of it. I was hesitant to use big name music for years until I figured, screw it, they cant sue me without suing all the offenders simultaneously. I have used a small band’s music in several of my riding videos and I do have permission from them to use their material.
I love the natural sound of the trail, but some of my favorite vids have involved music. When I was researching SART Hellride in 2015 I found a vimeo that showed highlights of the 2012 event. It had music that I imagine most here would hate, but it got me even more hyped for the ride. When I hear this song (The one that starts at 1:20, not whatever that other thing is,) in other locations, I still think of SART.

Sorry to hear that vimeo is cracking down. I think if you aren't making money from it, you should be allowed to put just about anything you want on it.
Yes sir, I am well aware of it. I was hesitant to use big name music for years until I figured, screw it, they cant sue me without suing all the offenders simultaneously. I have used a small band’s music in several of my riding videos and I do have permission from them to use their material.

To bad nobody is going to watch your vids or even give you a like cause they don’t like to hear music. It’s that personal.