Summer Solstice Blackstar

I like my Brighteyes 1600, which is good enough for the stuff I know well, like Main Divide and Motorway.

If I were to venture outside of my comfort zone at night, I'd want another unit...

I also have a cheap Amazon light that's a few years old. It sometimes turns off on bumpy terrain. That increases the pucker factor.
I know this is a derail (I'm getting good at this), but lets all give some thought to our charging techniques. A patient came in last week and told me he had a garage fire. He said he was charging some garage tool battery packs and something went south. Don't know any other details except that the fire caused over $100,000 damage. They say to charge batteries in a metal pail, but I don't know. Maybe we should start a thread in the Workshop on battery care (if there isn't one already)
I like my Brighteyes 1600, which is good enough for the stuff I know well, like Main Divide and Motorway.

If I were to venture outside of my comfort zone at night, I'd want another unit...

I also have a cheap Amazon light that's a few years old. It sometimes turns off on bumpy terrain. That increases the pucker factor.
Think I could borrow a light just for Thursday's ride? I still need time searching for and purchasing one. Thanks