I think the Triunfo section has to stay. I've tried some different combos launching from Space Mountain and Rosewood trailheads, and no matter how I route it I keep coming up with 47 - 48 miles. Maybe I'm a little too hung up on the 50 part, but it's an important threshold for me. If you know another way to find a few miles inside Sycamore I'm definitely open to suggestion, but I couldn't find 2-3 miles of filler without riding in circles. I do like your routing inside of Sycamore, so I'll revise the route to include that sequence regardless.
2-3 miles shouldn't be too hard to find. Drop into Sycamore then Ranch Center, Art's, Sin Nombre/Two Foxes, Wood Canyon, Guad, Backbone, beach, Overlook, Guad, Wood Canyon out to Ranch Center past the water tower, down Sage, back up Sin Nombre, Ranch Center then out. For whatever reason, the Triunfo start doesn't sound appealing to me. But again, it's your ride. :)
2-3 miles shouldn't be too hard to find. Drop into Sycamore then Ranch Center, Art's, Sin Nombre/Two Foxes, Wood Canyon, Guad, Backbone, beach, Overlook, Guad, Wood Canyon out to Ranch Center past the water tower, down Sage, back up Sin Nombre, Ranch Center then out. For whatever reason, the Triunfo start doesn't sound appealing to me. But again, it's your ride. :)
I'll fiddle with it a little more, but the last route I did had pretty much all of that in that order, and added Rosewood into the mix. I was still at 47.5. I'd like to get Rosewood in there, and that would be too much with Triunfo, so I'll work on it a bit more this evening.
So... I see the "plenty of water available" in the description, and I remember water at the bottom of Guadalasca, but what would you say is the longest stretch between water spots?

I'm thinking two bottles and no pack...
There's also water at the bottom of Los Robles at Potrero. We pass both of those twice. I don't think there is water between Potrero and the start/finish of the ride though. That would be the longest stretch. I'll have to check the mileage, but probably 10-12.
There's also water at the bottom of Los Robles at Potrero. We pass both of those twice. I don't think there is water between Potrero and the start/finish of the ride though. That would be the longest stretch. I'll have to check the mileage, but probably 10-12.
Oh, and if we go into the campground at the turnaround by the beach, I have to assume there's water there.
I think a roll call is in order. Here's what I have so far. Not posting up maybes, cuz if yer a maybe the day before a 50 mile ride I bet yer not comin', but holler if yer gonna roll with us.

1. @buggravy
2. @Bluesrider
3. @Luis
4. @Faust29
5. @mtnbikej
6. @UPSed

Weather looks awesome. Mostly cloudy with highs in the low sixties. Rain coming in, but looks like it will hold off until later at night. Let's plan to roll by 7:30. REALLY looking forward to this.
Are you suggesting that it should be watered down? :whistling:

See 'cause a solute is....

...oh never mind. :facepalm:

Let's see if this works. I can send you the actual GPX in Strava I think. I'm still kind of mulling the best combination of trails in Sycamore leading up to Guadalasca, but really it doesn't matter that much.

Edit: If anyone exported the GPX file within an hour of me posting this, I noticed the start/finish was a little wonky after I zoomed in more, so I edited that.
Your gonna roll down into the campground but you're not gonna cross the highway and go kick it at the beach for a lil while? Might as well go all the way to the very edge of the Left Coast of North America.