@herzalot for the riding you do, this bike does not make sense.
If demand is small it is because people convinced themselves they need more bike than they actually need. This Ranger is a perfectly capable bike for the majority of riders in SoCal, if we are truly being honest about what people actually spend most of their time riding. Remember the meme below? "What I actually ride" is a lot closer to reality than "what I think I ride" for most riders, most days. "Yeah, but I'm all about the descent!" say many riders. Sure. But they still spend probably 4 times more time climbing than descending, so doesn't it make sense to have a bike that climbs as well as possible? It will descend just fine, I promise. On burlier trails you might need to slow down a bit and pick your lines. Blasphemy, I know. I'll show myself out know.
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