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I didn't ride my bike all weekend cuz...
Dadgum, Luis, you twist the knife as well as anyone. :cry: Thanks for the shares!

But it's gonna take some doing to topple the star of this page...the mighty Glentis family, taking a queue from nature's largest living things, thriving and reaching for the sky. Thanks, @DangerDirtyD, that is just beyond outstanding :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks @mike! Definitely an awesome get-away, but at least @Luis got to ride.

I'm hiking along with wifey and baby-in-stroller and thinking to myself..."I can totally ride that line!" Then wifey looks over at me and says, "I know you're mountain biking in your head!"
The diet is a good thing but add riding (an activity) to that (regardless of the distance you have time to do) daily and the results will double or triple, comparatively. Heck, just go for walks in the evening if that's all you feel up to. Just go! :thumbsup:

I'm actually not trying to lose weight as my main focus, just trying to get my body fung shui back in check. I don't sit back down after work until after 8pm so I am moving a lot, trimmed and mowed the yard yesterday and washing some windows after work today!
I'm actually not trying to lose weight as my main focus, just trying to get my body fung shui back in check. I don't sit back down after work until after 8pm so I am moving a lot, trimmed and mowed the yard yesterday and washing some windows after work today!
Well, in that case, being active is even more important. Pedal wheelies up and down the block tonight after work. That builds upper body strength. And pedal a wheelie up that long, steep driveway of yours, too. :eek:
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