MTB giveth, and MTB taketh away.

Woo hoo, yeah, finally movin’ on! I was going to text Mikie today to remind him of your surgery’m glad you weren’t shy about posting it!
Here’s to a speedy recovery and one legged planks:thumbsup: You’ve got this buddy!!
Any questions or help needed were here for you!
PS I probably have 3 pair of those ugly socks if you want more :confused::Roflmao
Thanks, Sara! I was going to keep it to myself, but really this place is so positive and supportive that that seemed kind of pointless. Plus I'm going to be riding the couch so much for the next week or so it would be impossible to not be checking in here. And I don't understand what you mean by "ugly" socks ;).
Thanks, Sara! I was going to keep it to myself, but really this place is so positive and supportive that that seemed kind of pointless. Plus I'm going to be riding the couch so much for the next week or so it would be impossible to not be checking in here. And I don't understand what you mean by "ugly" socks ;).
Sorry did I say ugly?? I meant uggggly:p
You know using Strava when you crutch or gimp around the block is totally a cool thing to do:whistling:
Actually it’s really neat to use Strava to track your post op progress:thumbsup:
I will say, it does almost feel normal to not be on the bike now, which I guess is a good thing. I've limited my forum checking and participation some the last couple weeks just to preserve my sanity, and I'm sure will again off and on throughout the process, though my emotions on that change like the wind.
Ouch, I bet that hurt to say. But I completely see where you are coming from. We, your family, will be there for you through the thick and through the thin of this.
How’s it going Matt?!
Hanging in. Yesterday was rough, but I knew it would be. Finally got decent sleep last night, and am spacing out the pain meds more now. I will say that this level of incapacity sure does make you appreciate even the most base level of health. I insisted that my wife go back to work today, so I'm getting myself put together, and Ubering to and from the doc to get the dressing removed, and brace readjusted to fit without the stuff underneath. It's such an undertaking to do that very basic series of tasks, but sure makes you think about people with real health issues that have to live that on a daily basis..
Hanging in. Yesterday was rough, but I knew it would be. Finally got decent sleep last night, and am spacing out the pain meds more now. I will say that this level of incapacity sure does make you appreciate even the most base level of health. I insisted that my wife go back to work today, so I'm getting myself put together, and Ubering to and from the doc to get the dressing removed, and brace readjusted to fit without the stuff underneath. It's such an undertaking to do that very basic series of tasks, but sure makes you think about people with real health issues that have to live that on a daily basis..
^^^^ that last sentence says everything! I felt the same, realizing how much I’d taken for granted. We are truly blessed to be healthy and mobile!
Glad you’re getting past the rough part Matt, it does seem to come and go throughout the process tho. Hope all goes well at the office visit, don’t overdo it Mr!:thumbsup:
Hope y'all don't mind if I post recovery updates from time to time in here. Again, I don't do so for attention, but in hopes that others who have gone through this same procedure and recovery might chime in. I'm trying to put doc's timelines mostly out of my mind and just focus on where I am, and compared to others of similar health and designs. Maybe a bit of catharsis as well. So, yesterday was a bit of a milestone. 10 days since surgery, and had my post op appointment with the doc, and first day of PT. Don't remember if I updated the actual surgery, but one variable going in was a possible meniscus tear. The tear was confirmed once he was in there, but it wasn't in a state to be stitched back up, so was trimmed instead. Since surgery I've been locked in full extension, with my only ROM exercises to be getting hyper extension back. I was allowed to put standing weight on it, but had no instructions for taking any type of weight bearing steps on that leg. Doc said he could tell I'd been doing the hyper extension exercises, and overall said the post op x-rays, flexion, and extension were just what he would want to see. He dialed some ROM into my brace, and showed me how to start taking steps on that leg, with both one and two crutches. Felt wonky at first, but no pain, so I was on a mission. At PT I got into full hyper extension, and 95° flexion. Did some walking with crutches but no brace, concentrating on firing the quad when stepping through. By the time I got home I was able to walk back and forth across the house with crutches in hand for safety, but not using them at all, so technically I'm doing full weight bearing walking, though I wouldn't want to try it without crutches in hand yet. Yesterday was definitely a game changer in terms of getting around. My plan is to be driving in a week. PT seemed skeptical of that plan, but I'm bound and determined.
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Hope y'all don't mind if I post recovery updates from time to time in here. Again, I don't do so for attention, but in hopes that others who have gone through this same procedure and recovery might chime in. I'm trying to put doc's timelines mostly out of my mind and just focus on where I am, and compared to others of similar health and designs. Maybe a bit of catharsis as well. So, yesterday was a bit of a milestone. 10 days since surgery, and had my post op appointment with the doc, and first day of PT. Don't remember if I updated the actual surgery, but one variable going in was a possible meniscus tear. The tear was confirmed once he was in there, but it wasn't in a state to be stitched back up, so was trimmed instead. Since surgery I've been locked in full extension, with my only ROM exercises to be getting hyper extension back. I was allowed to put standing weight on it, but had no instructions for taking any type of weight bearing steps on that leg. Doc said he could tell I'd been doing the hyper extension exercises, and overall said the post op x-rays, flexion, and extension were just what he would want to see. He dialed some ROM into my brace, and showed me how to start taking steps on that leg, with both one and two crutches. Felt wonky at first, but no pain, so I was on a mission. At PT I got into full hyper extension, and 95° flexion. Did some walking with crutches but no brace, concentrating on firing the quad when stepping through. By the time I got home I was able to walk back and forth across the house with crutches in hand for safety, but not using them at all, so technically I'm doing full weight bearing walking, though I wouldn't want to try it without crutches in hand yet. Yesterday was definitely a game changer in terms of getting around. My plan is to be driving in a week. PT seemed skeptical, but I'm bound and determined.

Hey Matt!
Please don’t feel weird about posting progress, we want to know!
Sounds like things are going well, that’s awesome! It won’t be too long before you can pedal on a trainer, which feels pretty good on the knee(at least it did for me)
You mentioned firing up the quad.... brilliant, less stress on the knee joint! I tried and tried but couldn’t find my quad, hamstring, etc for took me quite a while to even remember how to activate those muscles. All that to say, you’re doing great IMO!
Here’s to the marathon of recovery, enjoy the mile markers ;)
This has been a great read.
About 60 days out from my surgery. Complete meniscus tear. Not sure how it happened. No weight or flexing for 30 days - one legged toilet mounts suck! Now PT and flat asphalt bike rides. Coming along pretty well.
I went with a small apple and some kombucha each day to bring the gut back. I am not a fan of antibiotics and the opiates.
I’m curious on how many bikers have left knee issues, and if the side we mount on is a contributing factor?

Heal well Matt!
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This has been a great read.
About 60 days out from my surgery. Complete meniscus tear. Not sure how it happened. No weight or flexing for 30 days - one legged toilet mounts suck! Now PT and flat asphalt bike rides. Coming along pretty well.
I went with a small apple and some kombucha each day to bring the gut back. I am not a fan of antibiotics and the opiates.
I’m curious on how many bikers have left knee issues, and if the side we mount on is a contributing factor?

Everyone is in the recovery zone... glad you're doing better!

My left knee is no bueno. IT Band is awful and limits longer rides. Miniscus is not so great, forgot what the doc said specifically was wrong (it was 15 years ago. Hasn't progressed, luckily!
Hope y'all don't mind if I post recovery updates from time to time in here. Again, I don't do so for attention, but in hopes that others who have gone through this same procedure and recovery might chime in. I'm trying to put doc's timelines mostly out of my mind and just focus on where I am, and compared to others of similar health and designs. Maybe a bit of catharsis as well. So, yesterday was a bit of a milestone. 10 days since surgery, and had my post op appointment with the doc, and first day of PT. Don't remember if I updated the actual surgery, but one variable going in was a possible meniscus tear. The tear was confirmed once he was in there, but it wasn't in a state to be stitched back up, so was trimmed instead. Since surgery I've been locked in full extension, with my only ROM exercises to be getting hyper extension back. I was allowed to put standing weight on it, but had no instructions for taking any type of weight bearing steps on that leg. Doc said he could tell I'd been doing the hyper extension exercises, and overall said the post op x-rays, flexion, and extension were just what he would want to see. He dialed some ROM into my brace, and showed me how to start taking steps on that leg, with both one and two crutches. Felt wonky at first, but no pain, so I was on a mission. At PT I got into full hyper extension, and 95° flexion. Did some walking with crutches but no brace, concentrating on firing the quad when stepping through. By the time I got home I was able to walk back and forth across the house with crutches in hand for safety, but not using them at all, so technically I'm doing full weight bearing walking, though I wouldn't want to try it without crutches in hand yet. Yesterday was definitely a game changer in terms of getting around. My plan is to be driving in a week. PT seemed skeptical of that plan, but I'm bound and determined.
Don’t worry about posting updates. That (and shuttling the Bomb Squad) is all I had to do for 7 months while mine healed. It’s amazing how the baseline changes when you can’t do anything and the slightest ability means so much to your disposition. My doc wouldn’t let me bear any weight on subject knee for 12 weeks, so my butt cheeks were asymmetrical for about 2 years. Like the hooligans said, enjoy the rehab, and don’t forget that Target and Costco have the motorized shopping carts, and Hobby Lobby has standard wheelchairs for your interim recreational needs.
Don’t worry about posting updates. That (and shuttling the Bomb Squad) is all I had to do for 7 months while mine healed. It’s amazing how the baseline changes when you can’t do anything and the slightest ability means so much to your disposition. My doc wouldn’t let me bear any weight on subject knee for 12 weeks, so my butt cheeks were asymmetrical for about 2 years. Like the hooligans said, enjoy the rehab, and don’t forget that Target and Costco have the motorized shopping carts, and Hobby Lobby has standard wheelchairs for your interim recreational needs.
A Rascal has been a hidden dream of mine for years, but in my hilly neighborhood it would be a widow maker. And yeah, atrophy is a beeyotch. After only 10 days the difference in size of my right and left calf was profound.
A Rascal has been a hidden dream of mine for years, but in my hilly neighborhood it would be a widow maker. And yeah, atrophy is a beeyotch. After only 10 days the difference in size of my right and left calf was profound.
Heck yeah, keep us up to date. This is a learning experience for some, and a look back at the past for others. Thanks for sharing the details and keep them coming. Look how fast time is passing!!!
It may sound weird but thank you for posting about your surgery and recovery. I've got a wife who will probably need both knees replaced at some time... and it helps me to understand the process a little bit.
Guy I work with just had both of his replaced at the same time. He was advised against it, but he said he’s glad he did them together. 15 degree inflection in one knee, 13 in the other. Walked very bow legged. He is now 3 or 4 inches taller, and a lot happier.
Phew, what a difference a day makes. So I'm fully walking without crutches (with brace, of course). Tried it a few times as a quick progression from walking with one crutch, and the more I did it the easier it got. Zero pain, and the wobblies are subsiding. Did the one mile hilly loop around the neighborhood, taking a crutch with me as a security blanket, but never used it. Walking totally crutchless around the house. Gate seems proper, if slow. No hobbling or limping. Able to get 90° flexion with relative ease. Woot.
Phew, what a difference a day makes. So I'm fully walking without crutches (with brace, of course). Tried it a few times as a quick progression from walking with one crutch, and the more I did it the easier it got. Zero pain, and the wobblies are subsiding. Did the one mile hilly loop around the neighborhood, taking a crutch with me as a security blanket, but never used it. Walking totally crutchless around the house. Gate seems proper, if slow. No hobbling or limping. Able to get 90° flexion with relative ease. Woot.