Hope y'all don't mind if I post recovery updates from time to time in here. Again, I don't do so for attention, but in hopes that others who have gone through this same procedure and recovery might chime in. I'm trying to put doc's timelines mostly out of my mind and just focus on where I am, and compared to others of similar health and designs. Maybe a bit of catharsis as well. So, yesterday was a bit of a milestone. 10 days since surgery, and had my post op appointment with the doc, and first day of PT. Don't remember if I updated the actual surgery, but one variable going in was a possible meniscus tear. The tear was confirmed once he was in there, but it wasn't in a state to be stitched back up, so was trimmed instead. Since surgery I've been locked in full extension, with my only ROM exercises to be getting hyper extension back. I was allowed to put standing weight on it, but had no instructions for taking any type of weight bearing steps on that leg. Doc said he could tell I'd been doing the hyper extension exercises, and overall said the post op x-rays, flexion, and extension were just what he would want to see. He dialed some ROM into my brace, and showed me how to start taking steps on that leg, with both one and two crutches. Felt wonky at first, but no pain, so I was on a mission. At PT I got into full hyper extension, and 95° flexion. Did some walking with crutches but no brace, concentrating on firing the quad when stepping through. By the time I got home I was able to walk back and forth across the house with crutches in hand for safety, but not using them at all, so technically I'm doing full weight bearing walking, though I wouldn't want to try it without crutches in hand yet. Yesterday was definitely a game changer in terms of getting around. My plan is to be driving in a week. PT seemed skeptical of that plan, but I'm bound and determined.