Mikie Watson Sabbatical

You would be hugely disappointed that there's nothing worth pursuing. And no @mike, that's not self pity or whatever it is you accuse me of. That's fact. I used to be somewhat fast on trails I know well, but my last crash has slowed me down considerably. My 33 year marriage and similar-length career won't survive another mtb hospitalization.
You can’t be old enough to have been married 33 years. Fact check! :p
You would be hugely disappointed that there's nothing worth pursuing. And no @mike, that's not self pity or whatever it is you accuse me of. That's fact. I used to be somewhat fast on trails I know well, but my last crash has slowed me down considerably. My 33 year marriage and similar-length career won't survive another mtb hospitalization.
I have an open tab with the local E.R. :eek::oops:
You can’t be old enough to have been married 33 years. Fact check! :p
Oh Sh!t - you're right. July 29, 1989. 32 years married, 35 year career - so far. My bad!

Here she is, calling for an ambulance as I crash on the slopes of Steamboat behind her...
Steamboat Tami.jpg
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Or they will tell us to eff off and they’ll never ride with us again.:laugh:
I figure we climb up and drop Barbecue Lid, then Logan’s Run, up to the Towers, then head out Sidewinder and drop G Out, do the climb back up to the towers and drop Dog Tags/ Carl’s, one more Towers climb and finish on Kona/Carls back to the Sports Complex. Then over to the Mexican Restaurant and some cerveza’s!