Motorway and Maple Springs are closed. Sounds like they effectively closed last night when the gate was closed, but strangely at the USDA web site they have them listed as being closed since Monday(?) I think you are lucky to have gotten your ride in. I didn't check status before I left this morning, and ended up at the trailhead looking at the closed gate and feeling like an idiot.
Oh well... one more chance to climb Harding
I will say this. Sometimes I think we are working at cross-purposes. The conditions on Harding are almost the best I have ever seen - certainly the best I have seen in the last 6 months. Just enough rain to flatten everything down, but not enough to cause any erosion or rockfalls. I think the rangers are being overly conservative by closing Maple Springs for several days every time they get a light rain. I wish they would let bikers and hikers on Maple Springs when it is closed to motorized vehicles. Let's face it; the first 3 miles are paved!
Oh and for what it's worth, they have "North Main Divide" listed as closed, as well.