Man down, man down...

Are the nurses giving you your daily sponge bath??
Damn that's crazy!!! Good thing it was only as high as it was, and didn't happen on one of the super exposed (aka Death Drop) sections of Sunset or Merrill. Glad you had some luck on your side! Heal up soon!
Home since Saturday afternoon. Still wrapped up tight so no "home shower" yet. Maybe my doc will cut off the bandage this afternoon.
I'm feeling much better, except when I sneeze or make weird random movements that tweak my ribs. Why do my ribs hurt when I pee? Ha ha!
Mobility is slowly coming back but getting up and down in bed is a real pain in the..
When I heard Man Down and knew Ross was involved, I kinda expected this.
View attachment 10183

Drunk again?

Seriously, heal quickly cause you don't want miss me actually showing up for a ride.

Ha ha ha!
Ain't had a drink in months and the other stuff I got a genuine Dr. prescription for. Stopped the oxy as soon as they pulled the chest tube....not a fan of opiates or their constipation inducing pain masking. Helped me sleep though....
C ' mon out in a week or 2 when I recover and I won't have to wait for you!
Ha ha ha!
Ain't had a drink in months and the other stuff I got a genuine Dr. prescription for. Stopped the oxy as soon as they pulled the chest tube....not a fan of opiates or their constipation inducing pain masking. Helped me sleep though....
C ' mon out in a week or 2 when I recover and I won't have to wait for you!

It's a date, now I just need a new dress.
Glad to hear your recovering and already thinking about the next ride.
Wow, glad you're recovering. Just recently a buddy did the same thing; yielded to hikers on a steep section and when he went to mount up
again, lost his balance and went down the steep cliff. Fortunately his bike got snagged by the bushes and he was still holding onto the grips about 6' down.
Yeah, I'm home. Staring out the window at the warm, fall day. "Each tick of the clock another loud rap on the door to my undoing."
10 days and this rib is just getting started.

Come on Ross! You can do this! You will be back soon enough, I just about went crazy when I broke the clavical a few years back, then I went out to the shed while recovering and got a hernia, and set myself back even longer? KEEP IT TOGETHER BOY! ;)
I can have my own pity party if I want!
I can't do anything without hurting. ...the ribs are bad but the back is hurting too.
Did a couple of short rides around the neighborhood but that ain't cutting it.

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train!