Left Foot Forward, tight left switchback dominant

@bvader is an A$$$ damn that @bvader doesn't know what F... he's talking about...

Why am I being so hard on @bvader because I'm out riding right now and guess what I'm a right foot forward.. LOL . ( Not as previously reported a Lefty)

I blame it on all those damn zoom calls look in myself in the mirror!
But I will say I'm much more ambidextrous than I used to be.

but what I said is mirror true I turned better to the right and I'm still going to call it backside damn it!

And @RIGID I just rode TNA and I think the quick two turns you're talking about right before the dropping right hand @herzalot turn yeah those are too quick for me to switch foot in fact I just did a quick bar over bar over and that got me through it pretty quick some of those bigger sweeping turns with the berms I did switchfoot.

Through the second part of lizard I don't switch foot I just move a little forward like someone else said and bar over press release bar over press release repeat

Of course @bvader I wouldn't trust a thing he said.

Well got to finish ride now!!!

Lovely out
I broke out the Bronson and TNA was fun.
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So surf makes sense. Skate and Snowboard make no sense. We all know that going right on a wave is front side if you are regular foot - that is - left foot forward. There is no argument about that. You are facing the wave. Your toes are in the wave. That's frontside. Drop in at Pipeline and go left as a regular footer and you are riding backside. Heels and ass to the wave. So why is it opposite for skate and snowboard? Turning towards your back - your blind side - is frontside? That's just stupid!

In SURF parlance, a right foot forward cyclist going right is going backside, going left is front side. Now please - agree with me because I am right and go ride your bike. Right?

I am going to quit mt biking and start riding moto. The pegs are even. No frontside or backside, regular or goofy.
So surf makes sense. Skate and Snowboard make no sense. We all know that going right on a wave is front side if you are regular foot - that is - left foot forward. There is no argument about that. You are facing the wave. Your toes are in the wave. That's frontside. Drop in at Pipeline and go left as a regular footer and you are riding backside. Heels and ass to the wave. So why is it opposite for skate and snowboard? Turning towards your back - your blind side - is frontside? That's just stupid!

In SURF parlance, a right foot forward cyclist going right is going backside, going left is front side. Now please - agree with me because I am right and go ride your bike. Right?

I am going to quit mt biking and start riding moto. The pegs are even. No frontside or backside, regular or goofy.

It’s complicated.. but I agree with you
So I rode Aliso yesterday (Friday) afternoon after that little drizzle in the AM.

Broke out the Bronson... Been riding the HT lately so it felt great,

Had a nice run down Rock it felt good over the rocks ...step up check ✅ the twisty ...nice!

Dirt was really nice thought a little about turns when I got into meadows turn the thinking off and just let it come naturally.

Dirt was perfect even with the braking bumps.

There are a number of quick descending consecutive turns and I had the groove on yesterday I did not switch stance on the quick turns ... Right foot forward.

I was really grooving tap brake , lean bike push in accelerate out up and over into the next..even completely de-weighted on a couple transitions ...

I know I am doing it right when I come out if the turn faster than going in.

Then it happened on a left that I set up well right foot forward so inside foot back.... Nearly level perhaps just a bit dropped ...I really prepped leaned and was low on the berm really pressing in fastest line .. the doing... Then my inside pedal tapped the dirt.. I was leaned over that far...

Gotta say ...made my smile ...and pucker at the same time ...all over in a flash on to the next turn...

Turns are fun!
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I'm goofy with left pedal forward and feel awkwardly upright on steep right turns, left is easier to navigate. Strangely it's the same way driving a car, whether it's faster or not, left turns seem flowy, less mechanical. Perhaps because we drive on the left hand side and can see the apex the entire time. Or maybe it was programmed that way from skateboarding days, easier turning left goofy footed.
I'm goofy with left pedal forward and feel awkwardly upright on steep right turns, left is easier to navigate. Strangely it's the same way driving a car, whether it's faster or not, left turns seem flowy, less mechanical. Perhaps because we drive on the left hand side and can see the apex the entire time. Or maybe it was programmed that way from skateboarding days, easier turning left goofy footed.
Left foot forward is regular foot, not goofy.


Most of the time. But just like in the kitchen, I sometimes forget which hand does what. It was a real treat for the kids who thought I was done writing at the white board, but then switched hands and kept going... :laugh:

No wonder I suck at switchbacks... :p
Left foot forward is regular foot, not goofy.
Whew, that was quick. Now we can move on to backside/frontside. :p:)

I can see ambidextrous as handy, Mr. Faust. Endurance is key. :sneaky::geek:

I tried to be a lefty when I started handwriting; recall the conversation between my teacher and parents where they decided all would be "better" if I was a righty. Even as a 5 yr old that sounded messed up to me. As an adults it still sounds like a needless or worse thing to do to a kid. Combine that with heavily left footed and forced to become right after an injury. Probably explains a lot... :coffee:

For bike turns, left ones still feel way more natural.
I'm right foot forward on skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard but ride with left pedal forward. Come to think of it, left turn is more natural on skis, but right turns more natural on snowboard. Left hand crank on a spining reel, right crank on casting reel. Now I'm totally confused.
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I'm right foot forward on skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard but ride with left pedal forward. Come to think of it, left turn is more natural on skis, but right turns more natural on snowboard. Left hand crank on a spining reel, right crank on casting reel. Now I'm totally confused.
You need therapy!
Do you use left handed screwdrivers?
Imma Redneck, taint so bad! :thumbsup: Sheet far, save matches! Weeeeee doggy! ;)
I try to take the best from any ideology, culture, club. Bagna couda didn't make the cut, but I'm slicker'n greased owl shyt with the varnacleeir. Missouri roots, I'll be. :)
I'm goofy on anything board related, but I'm left foot forward on a bike. Left handed (throw, write, eat, brush teeth, etc.), but do anything that requires two hands like a right handed person would (bat, shoot, golf, pool, play drums/guitar, etc.)

Also, why the sh!t would anyone ride UP El Prieto?
I hate that guy! :Roflmao I wonder if he has that much energy without staging the vids... ;) Seemed pretty energetic for a long haul day. :whistling:
Words of wisdom: my switchbacks are steeper but it is the same technique. Hard crank in leaving the front wheel light, light to the point of lifting or almost with the front unweighted just lean into the turn and viola. Just crank up and do not make the mistake of turning too soon. Soon you will not think about it at all, just mechanics. and you will make almost every SB. Hard cranking into tight SBs is tougher when you are getting taxed, but always give it a little more gas because SBs ramp up 90% of the time.
happy twisty trails, by far the best
the guy in the video was kinda silly except the downhill tail swag. that is handy on the tightest of SBs but pretty scary because if you F up (I have) you end up pointing right out off the exposure. Lucky you are going slow but if the front wheel drops off the edge... one giant step into the chaparral. (done that too)(but scary even when you just save it) Remember you dropped the front wheel into the SB before you lifted the rear, be sure to rotate all the way
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