I respect that you offered your commitment, so I won’t hold any grudges if you are unable to make this ride. Please don’t go too far out of your way to make this ride. Don’t bail because of fear of the ride, but feel free to bail if you must work or babysit or care for someone, etc.
I’ll bring lights if you need to borrow. Then you can consider your illumination options when it comes time for you to purchase. Unlikely we’ll need them, but just in case.
I am not in great shape, so don’t fret about the pace.
I’m just as responsible as you for this excursion, so we’ll stay together the entire ride upon our rendezvous. Just don’t blame me if you perish, and I obviously won’t blame you if I die out there.
Now that we got that out of the way, I encourage you to start at Cook’s corner with me and take your chances with the loop. Our best chance of success is keeping a comfortable pace. A comfortable pace can climb 10k in a single endeavor. Bring food and plenty of water. What a riot!