In Other News

This is how I roll:

This works too!

Looks like Poorman is on the radio again. KOCI 101.5, a low power station in OC of all places.
Way back, like early 90's one of my friends actually went on a couple of dates with him. She had no idea he was Poorman and semi famous around here. (She was British). She did mention he was kinda creepy and weird.
The human voices—including those of Rachel Maddow and Rush Limbaugh—made them flee more than 80 percent of the time.”

I could see those two voices making many of God's creatures flee. One because of the loooooooong overly-intellectual drawn out explanations with spurious connections, the other for pure fictional pomposity and baseless bombast. I'll let you decide which is which.

Either way, glad to hear the researchers keeping it fair and balanced! We wouldn't want our lions leaning too far one way or the other, politically.
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Yaw!!!!!! Results are in from the can opener method challenge!

Initial grab and action of "new" in-from-the-top method about the same as the old "wrong" way – so far so good. Lid removed. Then I have a can of tuna in water with a gnarly sharp edge all around the top of the can, and tragically, no way to use that lid to press the water out of the tuna. Oh, and don't forget to pick out the slices of can label from your food. SUPERFAIL, YAW!!!!!!!!!!! I'm goin in from the side hence forth. What a bust; YMMV...

I saw that coming. Uh, not from you, but the epic fail was evident right from the beginning in the video.
Looks like Poorman is on the radio again. KOCI 101.5, a low power station in OC of all places.
Way back, like early 90's one of my friends actually went on a couple of dates with him. She had no idea he was Poorman and semi famous around here. (She was British). She did mention he was kinda creepy and weird.

Creepy and weird... yeah, that sounds about right.
I could see those two voices making many of god's creatures flee. One because of the loooooooong overly-intellectual drawn out explanations with spurious connections, the other for pure fictional pomposity and baseless bombast. I'll let you decide which is which.

Either way, glad to hear the researchers keeping it fair and balanced! We wouldn't want our lions leaning too far one way or the other, politically.

Had to at least... roll my eyes.
I have 3 types of can openers. The de-crimper, the old school from the side/top and the electric.
I prefer the old school from the top. I like to drain the juice out, and don't mind using a butterknife to get the lid out if needed.
Won't go from the side, ragged edge to cut me, not. :gotnothing::cautious:
So, who would have thought "Can Opener wars" would be on a Mtb forum :Barefoot:
So am I the only "open from the topper" who leaves a tiny bit of the lid attached so that I can use it to strain the contents? I don't need a butterknife to get it out. just hold the top and tip it into the sink to drain out that nasty tuna water, bean juice or excess tomato water. You're welcome.
So am I the only "open from the topper" who leaves a tiny bit of the lid attached so that I can use it to strain the contents? I don't need a butterknife to get it out. just hold the top and tip it into the sink to drain out that nasty tuna water, bean juice or excess tomato water. You're welcome.
You bet. Standard technique for eating from the can on big wall climbs. So you don't have to deal with an errant lid. Also, spoon with can opener on one end mandatory!

In other news... Spooked a bear out of the trash dumpster this morning; he bolted over the wood fence and broke it. Right where it was already broken... People don't close the dumpster, what do ya think will happen???
So am I the only "open from the topper" who leaves a tiny bit of the lid attached so that I can use it to strain the contents? I don't need a butterknife to get it out. just hold the top and tip it into the sink to drain out that nasty tuna water, bean juice or excess tomato water. You're welcome.

Bean juice is good for chili. Do you actually open a lot of canned food? My experience is with opening lots of cans in a short time so I’ll stick with the preference of horizontal openings and easy pours (I also leave the lid attached as you describe while doing this).

Maybe this is like clips vs flats or tubeless vs tubes, if you will. :Roflmao

TBH, the banana opening revelation was a bigger deal for me. I just thought I’d share my sideways can opening experience here and now we might have to have a thumb war to settle it.
Ok, so how do YOU open a banana? This is a question for all.. At the stem end that was cut from the rest of the plant or by pinching the tip and peeling it from there?

I've never been overly philosphical about peeling a banana. I grab the stem and pull. Peel comes off. Banana is consumed.

The 7th graders among you may now titter and whisper about the phallic implications. Proceed.
Chimps (apes) love bananas. Monkeys (not chimps, not apes), not so much.

:bang: That is why I put monkeys in quotes, I was quoting the word in the video pointing out that they weren’t trying to say that this is opening a banana how chimps/monkeys/primates/elephants/anteaters/iguanas eat them. It was just showing an alternative to how many people open a damn banana. Sheesh, can I send over the presentation I’m working on right now at work for you to pick apart as well?