I'm riding my bike RIGHT NOW! (Live and direct)

Not even this one?

Down in LCWP just rode TNA for the first time in a year I've been building back some strength and confidence.

Went pretty well. The p line down the big roller was so different. I missed it. It's kind of funny now But I will say some of the drops down the last third on the left hand side. Either I've gotten weaker or they've gotten bigger.

It's definitely dusty loose in some places and the rocks were pretty chunky. It's challenging still for sure!

Especially that last one that you make the right turn for the last head to home. Holy crap That took everything I had and probably wasn't going quite fast enough but I did huck it down.

I think that's the same one that @DangerDirtyD said was getting bigger!

Hope everyone else is out staying within their limits today Ciao

Of course the picture shows none of it. Heart rate was up pretty high:)


Now for the fun hot ride up Willow Yeah yeah.