I rode with
@Luis ,
@SnakeCharmer and
@buggravy . I rolled from home and met the gang at the wall at 8:00. Most of Los Angeles was also there... I shed a layer or two before we even left the parking lot and we headed up Brown. As I was disrobing, I watched some excitement... Cops running around the house, securing the exits. But they were gone 10 minutes later.
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There were a couple groups that we passed on the way to the Fern turnoff, but it wasn't really crowded. The crowds would come later... Nice social pace on the way up. The last section before the saddle was lined with snow and ice. Pretty cool...
At the first saddle, we discussed the route. Up to Ken Burton saddle and down KB? Matt has never done it, so that would have been fun. That idea didn't get much traction, though.
@Luis threw out the idea of heading down Fern and up Lower Sunset, and maybe up a little higher for some Sunset proper. I'm in! Hey, wait... I brought the wrong bike and that pavement is SAF. I'm still in...
We headed down Fern... And passed by El Prieto for now. A slight detour, which was well worth the extra effort.
Poetry in and on the Hood...
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Hence the name Brown Mountain...
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We had a little competition with ourselves getting back down the hiker switchbacks... I think I scored 4.5/6.
The half came from track standing while Luis figured out how to maneuver the school bus.
Over to Millard and up Lower Sunset... There were a couple other riders and hikers, but everyone was friendly. I finally managed to clean the little steep section on the single speed. The wet dirt made it possible...
The gang popping out of Lower Sunset...
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Up the pavement. I now know it's cleanable if I add 250 mini switchbacks on the single speed...
Seriously... Now that I know it's cleanable on the single speed, that is going to open up some possibilities.
Luis pointing out the sites. I suggested we climb up and see them. That idea was not met with wild applause.
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One of these is not like the others...
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Down Sunset, with quite a few stops for hikers... No mechanicals, or drama, and the gang seemed to be moving pretty quickly today.
In between the hiker pauses, anyway. The single speed just felt awesome today, even with the bald tire on the back (Spec Slaughter...). Lower Sunset was a riot with the Enduro in the front to chase. I know Luis isn't going full out, but hanging on gives me a chance to see his lines. Went airborne at least 4 times in the beginning...
Climb out of Millard and over to El Prieto. El Prieto is always fun. But it's a lot more fun without 752 hikers. Some of them had never seen dirt before. Louis Vittons are not hiking gear.
And if you're carrying a drink cup, you are definitely an inside people. Please stay there.
Absolutely fun ride!
I ended up with 24/3400