I rode my bike today...
@buggravy was not able to join, so it was a twosome for the Super Strawberry epic. The shuttle dropped us off (double masked and well ventilated!) at Clear Creek.
I've done this route on the Hightower and on the single speed, but I've been riding the Hightower too much lately, so... The overloaded single speed got the call today. Two bottles, saw, windbreaker, kitchen sink, etc. But with everything on the bike, I skipped the pack.
It was low 40s for the beginning of the climb up the Josephine Fire Road. On the single speed, that means a jersey is enough...
Even Ross was pulled over at mile 1 to shed some layers. Josephine is 2.5 miles and 1250 feet. It's not a pleasant climb, unless you like that sort of thing.
After Josephine, it's 8 miles of single track, mostly exposed, to Red Box. The Meadow is probably the halfway point, and it was still covered in snow. Fortunately, it's packed down enough that it's mostly rideable now. There were a few spots that the rear tire was more of a rudder going downhill.
The temps were in the low 30s through the meadow...
The descent to Red Box was the only spot we saw people on the trail today. There were two small groups of hikers headed to Strawberry Peak...
There was a group of shuttlers unloading at Red Box- full face helmets, big bikes, etc... We saw them at Switzers a short time later. I don't think they continued on. We took the time to stop and remove a few branches that were blocking the trail. On the fast section, after the hard right turn, we encountered a downed tree at mach chicken speeds... Going off trail on the high side kept me from taking out Ross...
Although I like the Specialized Slaughter on the rear, it does not have a lot of stopping grip.
The Gabrielino... I haven't done the section from Switzers to the bottom of Ken Burton since the end of June. We opted more for the front range, and then it became overgrown, and we weren't sure about the downed trees. It was a riot, and it felt really good to be back on it.
Even though it's not far from civilization, the entire section of trail feels like you're off the grid. Not a soul. Rugged riding, exposure, landslides, etc...
While stopped at the landslide, Ross noticed the old bit.
The rock we rolled off went a looooooonnnnnggggg way down.
There were a couple trees down, but nothing too bad... We had a blast all the way to Ken Burton and then on to JPL... As we were riding the road back home, I heard the call of tacos. We made a detour.
Absolutely epic day on the bike. This one needs to go back in the regular rotation... You missed a good one,
@buggravy .