With the wife and kid out of town I had a second day to roam free. With the WW50 right around the corner I felt like I needed to get some level of baseline. I've done a couple fairly strenuous 30 plussers lately, and to be honest they felt harder than I thought they should have by the end. To be fair, one I think was more smoke related. Though not WW50 level I decided to up the ante today and do a combo of Chesebro and New Millenium. Ended up with 43.8/6,041. Well, if today was a fact finding mission, I'm not super stoked on what I learned. To be fair, the 15/3K in Laguna yesterday was not nothing by any means, and I was definitely not unaffected by that today. BUT, today was hard. At least the end of it was. Like, super hard. Turning left off of Las Virgenes to Bark Park instead of taking the easy 2 mile pavement cruise back to the truck was a moment of consternation. Turning left at the top of Bark Park to do the full 15/2500 loop instead of right to do the 5/600 LV downhill back to the truck was a straight up war inside my brain.
@herzalot and I had a brief conversation yesterday about another brutal ride that was going on in the desert at the same time. My comment was that I don't think I'm bored enough with actual fun mountain biking yet to need that in my life. Those words rang in my head as I tuned left onto the NM loop. It was a slog, and halfway through the climb up to the water tower before the first switchbacks I had reached the point where I was simply no longer having any semblance of fun. Weird day. It wasn't that my legs, or even my lungs gave out. That all felt better than the last 30+ I did, but I just couldn't get comfortable on the bike by the end. A$$ hurt, neck was stiff, and I felt like I couldn't move the way I wanted. Started getting sloppy, and making dumb mistakes.
This isn't me throwing in the towel on big rides. Far from it. Hell, maybe this is will be my motivation to do more and get this kind of distance cemented in my repertoire. But in the meantime, I'm more than happy to not sit on my bike for a few days.
Conditions check: Man, I feels like things have really deteriorated over the last few weeks. The wall has gotten super boney. Gave it two tries today, but the ledge at the very top has gotten so pronounced it feels impossible for me to get over. The Gas Pipe sections of Sheep Corral is as sandy as I've ever seen it. Very different from even last week. New Millenium is pretty rough around the edges now too. Rock hard and full of braking bumps, blown out corners, and gopher holes. Sure hope we get some rain soon to reshape things, and allow for some trail work.