I am an idiot. And so is my partner in crime for today
The local parks were not closed. They should have been. So if the parks are open and I am sitting with a new bike, I gotta get out there, right? So we met in the Canyon and headed up Philips Rd and Stairs. The trail above the "waterfall" section was so greasy it was hard to walk up. I fell once. Not a good sign. We made it to the top and were going to head for Lynx, but the fireroad up there was so bad we were just sliding and drifting and there is no way we would have made it back. We decided to cut our losses and head down stairs. What was greasy on the way up was greasy on the way down. We made it. But we weren't satisfied.
Taylor and I decided the other side of the canyon can only be better, so we climbed Willow. It took about 50% more effort due to tire slippage. Then it got worse. And worse. Until our bikes were so laden with mud, the wheels were locked. The bikes weighed well over 50 lbs at this point. We couldn't carry them because we had no traction under our feet. We were pretty much stuck. There is no way we were getting to Bommer Ridge to get to T and A. So we turned around. It was bad.
Here's me at the top of Stairs, before it really got bad:
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And Taylor's bike at its worst. Zoom in. I've never seen anything like it.
View attachment 61815
Soooo, maybe 1000' of climbing, and not much else. Took 30 minutes to clean the bike.
So the question is, why were the parks open?