I Rode My Bike Today...

Rode Turnbull cyn. this afternoon only my second ride in 3 weeks my 1st ride was yesterday from JPL to Ken Burton saddle. Although my condition went downhill I don't mind pulling over to take a few extra breaks only cause I can enjoy all the green hills that I am surrounded by, and I know it can't last forever.
These pics are from Turnbull.




This one from somewhere on Fern or the 1st saddle on my way up to Ken Burton saddle.

Awesome! I was in the area as well. I tried to stay away from the mud for the most part. Glad you got out.
Thanks, saw your ride post as well. You covered some serious ground. Staying away from the mud was easier said than done. Up high wasn't bad, but down by the LV trailhead there was so much mud and water, and I imagine will be for some time. Might hit some of the single tracks off of Vanowen on Thursday if I can get enough work done by then.
I’m working my way over to the trail in the last pic. I have a little clean up to do on Terry’s wall and I’m planning on cleaning up the berms and doubles for that trail this week.

However, trailwork may be a little delayed. While riding today I ended up with a shovel in my rear wheel and ripped off three spokes
Thanks for your efforts.:thumbsup: We had to do some weeding as well to make that pic happen. We were eyeballing some other jumps buried there too.:notworthy:
After seeing @Ebruner 's Path shop ride for tonight, the wheels started turning, and a plan for extra credit was hatched...

@mtnbikej and I did a lap to Beeks before the shop ride. I commiserated with my riding partner, and kept the lizard in the 32x21 the whole way. It was painful. I kept checking that I was on the 21 tooth cog. It felt like an 18. :gag:

I'll be honest- after fighting the mud in Hidden Ranch and freezing on the way down, I was kinda hoping that the shop ride would be cancelled. It is taco Tuesday, after all... :p No such luck, though... Erik was there all by himself ready to roll. We headed back up at a social pace with the goal of turning around at the top of hidden ranch. Navigating the mud for a second time in the dark was not my idea of fun. :stop:

Fun times...

29 miles and 3600 feet...
I rode Brrrrrrrrrrrlackstar this afternoon.

Early loop with @Faust29 It was 20* warmer at the start today than the ride yesterday, but it was still chilly. Legs took forever to catch up. Easy to avoid the mud up to Hidden Ranch. Down in Hidden Ranch....not so much. 33* at Beeks. Fun run down.

Made it back to the Tree Farm right at 6:30 to meet up with the Path ride with @Ebruner fortunately it was just him. Changed into dry warmer cloths and we took off. The plan was only to go to the top of Hidden Ranch. This was a good call since my legs disappeared half way up the climb.

Fun ride with the guys.

One upside to all the rain, besides the snow rides, is the streams and creeks are all flowing.....

Thanks for your efforts.:thumbsup: We had to do some weeding as well to make that pic happen. We were eyeballing some other jumps buried there too.:notworthy:
Thanks for your efforts.:thumbsup: We had to do some weeding as well to make that pic happen. We were eyeballing some other jumps buried there too.:notworthy:

Yeah. That side of the park doesn’t see a whole lot of action, and when people ride that way they usually take the fire road. :gag:. I’ve been pretty lazy and most of my rides this year have been from Barton, but that should be changing soon.

Back on topic I rode a little today, putting tire tracks on the dirt I threw in Sycamore. Finished cleaning up a good portion of Terry’s Wall (at least the fun stuff). I’m hoping to get back out tomorrow morning to finish that up, and start weeding/fixing the jump line on the other side of the hill.
Thanks for your efforts.:thumbsup: We had to do some weeding as well to make that pic happen. We were eyeballing some other jumps buried there too.:notworthy:
FYI, the mild mannered bros I ride with occasionally at Sycamore Cyn are writing to the City Council, Mayor, Riverside Bicycle Coalition, and Riverside Parks Department, urging them to be more active in park management and to put a blanket ban on all trail building provided by Team Dirty Works out there.
I rained hard for a few hours last night by Cooks... so yeah, Dumped is accurate.

I rode my bike today... but didn't have a ton of time so I just did a quick out and back on Aliso Creek Trail (15.6 miles). Checked the weather forecast before I left home... no rain until 7PM. As I was approaching Cooks there were some seriously threatening dark clouds looming. I get to the parking lot and everyone is pulling down shelters and bundling up the umbrellas in the outdoor eating area. I feel a wave of FRIGID air 10 degrees lower than ambient... and then freezing rain mixed with hail starts pelting me. I raced back towards the coast but I was truly freezing. I almost stopped under the highway overpass by Saddleback Church to warm up.

Something about Cook's and crazy weather.
Excited to get up to the snow today I went up Maple Springs. I upgraded my pajamas to appropriate bicycle tights under my pants. I brought an extra jacket along as well. The weather girl promised snow anywhere above 2,000 feet this morning so I was looking forward to snow falling. I cranked up the hill and was warm. There was at least a foot of dirt and rocks on the road for the first mile past the Maple Springs gate-all torn up. I made it to snow on the ground and the hillsides. There were footprints on the ground with tire tread beside it for some of the climb. If I were a bettin' man I think we might know whose tracks they might be. I rode in his tracks he left behind mostly but also rode where the ground had not fully frozen over. The snow in the last 2 turns/ stretches was 4-6 inches deep. I could no longer pedal so I walked it. My feet stayed dry. I made it to the top and took some pics. At this point I changed my gloves for heavier ones. In the time it took me to change the gloves my already cold finger tips went numb but I'm quick to dismiss this ( somewhat ) because it's snowing and I wanted to see the snow. I headed back down the mountain alternating working my hands at my sides. My fingers hurt less. At this point the weather turned to heavier snow blowing in from the side. No need to put in another quarter here- I'm definitely getting my monies worth out of this ride. I ran into a couple heading up on their bikes and they took my photo. I ran into Drew A. on his way up as well. I somewhat splashed through the water crossings and laughed as I couldn't see through my glasses well at all but I know I'm close to my truck. Great ride- I'm glad I went. 15.9 mi. 2,755 elevation.





Excited to get up to the snow today I went up Maple Springs. I upgraded my pajamas to appropriate bicycle tights under my pants. I brought an extra jacket along as well. The weather girl promised snow anywhere above 2,000 feet this morning so I was looking forward to snow falling. I cranked up the hill and was warm. There was at least a foot of dirt and rocks on the road for the first mile past the Maple Springs gate-all torn up. I made it to snow on the ground and the hillsides. There were footprints on the ground with tire tread beside it for some of the climb. If I were a bettin' man I think we might know whose tracks they might be. I rode in his tracks he left behind mostly but also rode where the ground had not fully frozen over. The snow in the last 2 turns/ stretches was 4-6 inches deep. I could no longer pedal so I walked it. My feet stayed dry. I made it to the top and took some pics. At this point I changed my gloves for heavier ones. In the time it took me to change the gloves my already cold finger tips went numb but I'm quick to dismiss this ( somewhat ) because it's snowing and I wanted to see the snow. I headed back down the mountain alternating working my hands at my sides. My fingers hurt less. At this point the weather turned to heavier snow blowing in from the side. No need to put in another quarter here- I'm definitely getting my monies worth out of this ride. I ran into a couple heading up on their bikes and they took my photo. I ran into Drew A. on his way up as well. I somewhat splashed through the water crossings and laughed as I couldn't see through my glasses well at all but I know I'm close to my truck. Great ride- I'm glad I went. 15.9 mi. 2,755 elevation.

Way to go get it. :thumbsup:

Now that is the proper way to break in the new bike.
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Excited to get up to the snow today I went up Maple Springs. I upgraded my pajamas to appropriate bicycle tights under my pants. I brought an extra jacket along as well. The weather girl promised snow anywhere above 2,000 feet this morning so I was looking forward to snow falling. I cranked up the hill and was warm. There was at least a foot of dirt and rocks on the road for the first mile past the Maple Springs gate-all torn up. I made it to snow on the ground and the hillsides. There were footprints on the ground with tire tread beside it for some of the climb. If I were a bettin' man I think we might know whose tracks they might be. I rode in his tracks he left behind mostly but also rode where the ground had not fully frozen over. The snow in the last 2 turns/ stretches was 4-6 inches deep. I could no longer pedal so I walked it. My feet stayed dry. I made it to the top and took some pics. At this point I changed my gloves for heavier ones. In the time it took me to change the gloves my already cold finger tips went numb but I'm quick to dismiss this ( somewhat ) because it's snowing and I wanted to see the snow. I headed back down the mountain alternating working my hands at my sides. My fingers hurt less. At this point the weather turned to heavier snow blowing in from the side. No need to put in another quarter here- I'm definitely getting my monies worth out of this ride. I ran into a couple heading up on their bikes and they took my photo. I ran into Drew A. on his way up as well. I somewhat splashed through the water crossings and laughed as I couldn't see through my glasses well at all but I know I'm close to my truck. Great ride- I'm glad I went. 15.9 mi. 2,755 elevation.

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Excited to get up to the snow today I went up Maple Springs. I upgraded my pajamas to appropriate bicycle tights under my pants. I brought an extra jacket along as well. The weather girl promised snow anywhere above 2,000 feet this morning so I was looking forward to snow falling. I cranked up the hill and was warm. There was at least a foot of dirt and rocks on the road for the first mile past the Maple Springs gate-all torn up. I made it to snow on the ground and the hillsides. There were footprints on the ground with tire tread beside it for some of the climb. If I were a bettin' man I think we might know whose tracks they might be. I rode in his tracks he left behind mostly but also rode where the ground had not fully frozen over. The snow in the last 2 turns/ stretches was 4-6 inches deep. I could no longer pedal so I walked it. My feet stayed dry. I made it to the top and took some pics. At this point I changed my gloves for heavier ones. In the time it took me to change the gloves my already cold finger tips went numb but I'm quick to dismiss this ( somewhat ) because it's snowing and I wanted to see the snow. I headed back down the mountain alternating working my hands at my sides. My fingers hurt less. At this point the weather turned to heavier snow blowing in from the side. No need to put in another quarter here- I'm definitely getting my monies worth out of this ride. I ran into a couple heading up on their bikes and they took my photo. I ran into Drew A. on his way up as well. I somewhat splashed through the water crossings and laughed as I couldn't see through my glasses well at all but I know I'm close to my truck. Great ride- I'm glad I went. 15.9 mi. 2,755 elevation.

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That last pic is awesome! The snow accumulation on you and the bike is bad ass !