I Rode My Bike Today...

@Faust29 (Steve from another Steve). I don't really know you but I do know what it is like to lose loved ones. Take care, be careful of "spacing out" over the next couple weeks.

@herzalot and crew, was seriously thinking of joining you, need to come ride / meet you but alas I was one of those up in CNF.

Rode Lower Holy Jim, pretty chilly at the start but was good. I have family health on my mind and took a while to clear it. Climbed OK no speed records set.

Go to the top of LHJ and decided I wanted to ride UHJ after the discussion about it lately. So i rode that 1.5 of absolute .... blechhhh... Pain in the Ar$e Divide up to U Holy Jim. I always know that stretch blows... and I think it was better than last time but it was not fun.

Rested / ate Pic ready for Upper Holy Jim. Well it was a little better than a most time, I dabbed / tripod a couple times but did not get off the bike and pretty much cleaned everything else. The Bronson ate up the chunk, but I was not going all out as I was a bit tired etc. There were 5 dudes on bikes trying to come up and a much more pleasant 2 blond heading up which I help give directions to early.

I got to Lower Holy Jim climbed down and back up and got ready for the decent. A couple mins in I was thinking about my dad. I have a rule... If you are on a decent, and you start thinking about Chores, Work, Family etc... DON'T... clear you mind you shouldn't really be thinking about anything except maybe the next 30 yards or so if that. "Clear Mind and let the Body do its thing"

So the rest of the decent was really fun, but not all out. Then on *the last* little stream crossing up through the Holy Jim gate I was "loading up" so that I could clean the ~ 6 ft of rocks and pretty significant roots. The light has mottled, my timing was bad and I loaded up, right on a square edge rock. PING! wow, eat all 150mm travel, tire and still banged the rim.. well maybe I was moving a bit. Had it checked out at the Path, Rim is not cracked thats the sticker, not leaking and tire OK. (not sure how that works but OK). I will keep an eye on it.

Fun day, plenty for me.

Top of UHJ


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Sucks to hear about your losses guys. Remember the good times. I've been through similar experiences and found that MTBing is the best therapy.

That said, we met up with Ray, Ryan, and Dan aka @Grassblade23 for a ride at the fabulous Sycamore Canyon in Riverside. Rode our usual route from Jensons to the north end via Rattlesnake and to the south end using a variety of other trails. At one point rolling down some rock, I forgot the line I usually take and stuffed the front wheel. It threw me OTB instantly. A couple of minor scrapes here and there but I'll survive. The bike was OK:thumbsup:. I climbed back up to roll it again , had to redeem myself, didn't want that monkey on my back til next time. Sessioned some other drops, rollers and small jumps for some time until the crew started to get tired. No other crashes or situations, just good times.

Oh and we did ride today. @Luis and @Jose m Zepeda joined @Cougar and me, plus my friend Scott. Nothing dramatic - as advertised. Lizard, Upper Laurel, Camarillo, Stagecoach, Willow, Missing Link/Fenceline, Red Tail, Rattlesnake, then a walk back up Rattlesnake, Red Tail, down Lizard again, up Laurel Spur, ML/FL and to the cars. Sounds like a lot, but it's not. 2500'

Our boy Scott bailed before Rattlesnake. Our boys Luis and Jose wanted more when we finished. Had I known that, I would have sent them over to Old Emerald and/or Laguna Ridge (T and A) while we were on that end of the park (top of Laurel Spur). Might have even done T and A with them, although that would have meant a second pull up Willow. :confused: I am guessing Craig would not have.

Luis and Jose are very strong riders, as most of you know. Jose had to try to beat the aforementioned lass up the last hill - she on her Mach 6 with Fox 36, he on his 29er Enduro. Not sure who won that battle.

Fun day with great guys and perfect weather. One little spill (@Cougar ), no mechanicals, emotionals or wardrobe malfunctions. :cool:

Scott did remove his new chainguide, 'cause it was rubbing. I guess that's a mechanical.

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Great day of riding today with some awesome peeps @herzalot @Cougar and Scott, thanks for allowing Jose and I to tag along in your "backyard".
I'm starting to remember some of the trail names in my head, and some sections are becoming more familiar. Totally different feel on the trails today since I brought my Enduro this time around. Got to ride Lizards a little more aggressively, even chased down a rider on a hardtail that was in "race mode" :whistling:
As Jose and I were getting ready, we noticed people riding towards the trailhead wearing arm warmers and some were wearing vests and windbreakers o_O the temps were in the 60's and absolutely perfect for riding!!! Geez, I could live near the beach for sure :thumbsup:
I only took a couple of pics, I'll edit and upload from my phone...

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My condolences Steve. I just lost my older brother to cancer November 1st. It leaves you feeling numb....

But a solo ride up at Chilao gave me lots of time for introspection. 24 miles/2700elev.
I'm sorry to hear that Ross.... May he rest in Peace!

@mtnbikej, @pperrelle , @Cougar , @herzalot , @mike , @Runs with Scissors

Thanks Guys... Reading condolences is therapeutic and they are much appreciated... :thumbsup:

Very sorry for your loss Steve. Blessing to you and your family....
I've decided to try and get as much saddle time on the SS bike for a few reasons. First, I was off the bike for a couple of weeks with a bad back and what little fitness I had took a dip. Second, with the shorter days and weather, I'm just not getting on the bike as much as I was able to during the summer. Third, it's just plain fun! I've done all of my rides this week sans gears. Hit Blackstar at lunch today. Was planing on just making it to the Mariposa sign, but I was feeling pretty good when I got there. I took a quick break to check emails and everything at work was moving along as it should have been, so I decided to head to Beeks. It was my first time up on the SS and it actually wasn't that bad. Unlike @Faust29 and @mtnbikej who I've ridden up with before as they sat and spun up the hill, I spent most of my time standing. Nice to sneak out and get a ride in during the daylight with mild temps.

For the past 2 or 3 weeks, I've been feeling :poop: on the bike, no energy, just doing it because, well, I need to...
Today however broke the cycle (no pun intended).
Felt good, not tired, and could've done more if wasn't for time constraints.
Hope it lasts, at least for a little while!

Buck Gully

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Say hello to my little friend

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Tryin to ride as much as I can with this weather, lovin it! Today I rode one of my local routes, quick little break from work during lunch, with these temps I can do that now.

From Chantry parking lot up to San Olene for a warm up and views and then down to Winter Creek Hoagees Loop. Only dabbed a FEW times as opposed to MANY as I normally do and cleaned some sections I never had before, yes!

