I Rode My Bike Today...

Knowing @Obsidian's political leanings, I believe the "Save Girls Sports" shirt is alluding to the massive numbers of biological males taking over womens' sports as transgender athletes. And by massive number, I thinks it's seven worldwide. :rolleyes: But yes, I will go on record saying that biological males should not compete against women as women.
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Knowing @Obsidian's political leanings, I believe the "Save Girls Sports" shirt is alluding to the massive numbers of biological males taking over womens' sports as transgender athletes. And by massive number, I thinks it's seven worldwide. :rolleyes:

The two shirts I have since purchased in the last two weeks are in full support of the high school girls in Riverside who were given detention for wearing the exact f@cking shirt in protest of your clown voting bullshit.

Ask me more questions.

@DangerDirtyD has already pissed me off.

Bring it.

The two shirts I have since purchased in the last two weeks are in full support of the high school girls in Riverside who were given detention for wearing the exact f@cking shirt in protest of your clown voting bullshit.

Ask me more questions.

@DangerDirtyD has already pissed me off.

Bring it.

Eeeezeeee......step away from the edge,it's Christmas
The two shirts I have since purchased in the last two weeks are in full support of the high school girls in Riverside who were given detention for wearing the exact f@cking shirt in protest of your clown voting bullshit.

Bring it.

Pretty sure I didn't disagree with you. Just explained what I correctly assumed was the meaning of the shirt.
Eeeezeeee......step away from the edge,it's Christmas
He's an angry elf...

Merry Christmas one and all, oh and Happy Hanukkah too, which starts tomorrow. And Happy Fetivus for the Rest of Us!
It's a Christmas miracle! At the annual neighborhood Christmas Day dog parade a neighbor told me that an intrepid (and retired) group of neighborhood hikers had breathed new life into the trail that descends into the neighborhood. It got absolutely ravaged by the last couple years of rain (sections that completely slid/washed away, massive ruts, and large loose rocks everywhere) and then subsequently completely overgrown to the point that you couldn't even bushwhack through it. Armed with this good news I decided to try my DoorDash loop that I used to cherish but hadn't been able to ride in a couple of years. Lo and behold, it was mostly rideable. I stopped to remove a bunch of debris today. It still needs a mountain biker's touch to finish the job, so I'll go back and do some tread work once the ground has some moisture in it. Stoked to have this quick loop from the driveway mostly back in rotation. 3.9/914. Merry Christmas, Hooligans!
It's a Christmas miracle! At the annual neighborhood Christmas Day dog parade a neighbor told me that an intrepid (and retired) group of neighborhood hikers had breathed new life into the trail that descends into the neighborhood. It got absolutely ravaged by the last couple years of rain (sections that completely slid/washed away, massive ruts, and large loose rocks everywhere) and then subsequently completely overgrown to the point that you couldn't even bushwhack through it. Armed with this good news I decided to try my DoorDash loop that I used to cherish but hadn't been able to ride in a couple of years. Lo and behold, it was mostly rideable. I stopped to remove a bunch of debris today. It still needs a mountain biker's touch to finish the job, so I'll go back and do some tread work once the ground has some moisture in it. Stoked to have this quick loop from the driveway mostly back in rotation. 3.9/914. Merry Christmas, Hooligans!View attachment 95885
That looks fun!
Yup - I sure did. My mint chip-colored bike at that! I can't decide which bike is more fun. And that's about as bougie, 1st world as a problem gets! Fun fact: both have CO state flags on them.

Beeeeyootiful riding weather and hardly anybody out.

3 ups, 3 downs in alternating fashion. 15 mi 2250' Bikes Be Bitchin'! :cool:.
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Cheese lap with some extra credit. Bones has been reworked and is a ton of fun. Lots of motors out today. Caught a couple at the bottom of Sheep Corral that kind of held me up, and then passed me on the Death Climb (named on the group Cheese ride several years ago), though they were courteous about the pass. Holy crap I'd really pushed to the back of mind just how bad that climb sucks, especially in the later stages of a ride. Decided to do it so I could take a crack at Montazuma (sp) on the big bike, as I've only done on the single speed lately. Needless to say the heinous braking bumps, gopher pocks, and sprinty flat sections were much more palatable today, and it was good to experience a decidedly faster run. The Flying Purple People Eater continues to impress, and I'm really having a blast on it. 17.1/3102
I rode my own bike today, in Orange County, for the first time in over ten years. I rode a rental six or so years ago but not my own in that long. I drove in from OK last weekend for the holidays and loaded my two bikes, with plans for some rides. I did Chino Hills Monday (single speed annd blew up my knee ) and rode Laguna today. Started at the Willow lot and did missing link/fence line to Rattlesnake, Lizards, BVD, and TNA. Cleaned rattlesnake and sessioned the rock garden a few times (never was able to do that before) and now that I’m in shape, crushed all the climbs except for a short supper steep sandy portion of Emerald Canyon Road out of BVD. I rode TNA for the first time ever, but didn’t have the guts for the one gnarly rock section. Overall an amazing ride back. I was finally able to let my bike really stretch its legs, and the Ocean views, coastal scrub, and smells really made me miss it here. Fence line was my first mountain biking experience I did a little over 15 years ago and returning was worth the two day drive (don’t tell my family I wanted this more). 17.4/3468

Ultimately I did drive here for to see my family, but also gauge my fitness since I plan to do the Counting Coup next year. So far it’s looking like trying it single speed is going to be a dumb idea, but I’m going to at least try Blackstar single speed before I leave. I made some cleat adjustments mid ride today which helped a bit with the knee. I plan on doing a more proper bike fit on the SS when I get back and see if that helps. Otherwise I’ll throw a gear set on and just finish the CC. It’s not easy to get the elevation in OK I need to really be ready for the CC.
Cheese lap with some extra credit. Bones has been reworked and is a ton of fun. Lots of motors out today. Caught a couple at the bottom of Sheep Corral that kind of held me up, and then passed me on the Death Climb (named on the group Cheese ride several years ago), though they were courteous about the pass. Holy crap I'd really pushed to the back of mind just how bad that climb sucks, especially in the later stages of a ride. Decided to do it so I could take a crack at Montazuma (sp) on the big bike, as I've only done on the single speed lately. Needless to say the heinous braking bumps, gopher pocks, and sprinty flat sections were much more palatable today, and it was good to experience a decidedly faster run. The Flying Purple People Eater continues to impress, and I'm really having a blast on it. 17.1/3102View attachment 95894

And why do we ever say anything at all after we say "needless to say..." I've never not been befuddled by that.
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I rode my own bike today, in Orange County, for the first time in over ten years. I rode a rental six or so years ago but not my own in that long. I drove in from OK last weekend for the holidays and loaded my two bikes, with plans for some rides. I did Chino Hills Monday (single speed annd blew up my knee ) and rode Laguna today. Started at the Willow lot and did missing link/fence line to Rattlesnake, Lizards, BVD, and TNA. Cleaned rattlesnake and sessioned the rock garden a few times (never was able to do that before) and now that I’m in shape, crushed all the climbs except for a short supper steep sandy portion of Emerald Canyon Road out of BVD. I rode TNA for the first time ever, but didn’t have the guts for the one gnarly rock section. Overall an amazing ride back. I was finally able to let my bike really stretch its legs, and the Ocean views, coastal scrub, and smells really made me miss it here. Fence line was my first mountain biking experience I did a little over 15 years ago and returning was worth the two day drive (don’t tell my family I wanted this more). 17.4/3468

Ultimately I did drive here for to see my family, but also gauge my fitness since I plan to do the Counting Coup next year. So far it’s looking like trying it single speed is going to be a dumb idea, but I’m going to at least try Blackstar single speed before I leave. I made some cleat adjustments mid ride today which helped a bit with the knee. I plan on doing a more proper bike fit on the SS when I get back and see if that helps. Otherwise I’ll throw a gear set on and just finish the CC. It’s not easy to get the elevation in OK I need to really be ready for the CC.
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I haven't revisited T and A in a while. Last time I was there (about a year ago) I was nursing a very deteriorating hip, so I didn't try any of the available lines at "the crux" - I used what I call the "5.10 line." That is, I walked (in my 5.10s).

How much travel on that Nicolai?
How much travel on that Nicolai?
160 front 150 rear, but it is slaaaaaack and loooooong. 64* HA, 78.25* STA, and an almost 52” wheelbase. When I was bike rack shopping, only a One Up or Kuat Piston Pro($$$) would fit it. I can use most of the travel on some features in Tulsa, but just nothing steep or long enough to let the long and slack part really shine. It ends up being more of a boat on the tight twisty trails around OK.
160 front 150 rear, but it is slaaaaaack and loooooong. 64* HA, 78.25* STA, and an almost 52” wheelbase. When I was bike rack shopping, only a One Up or Kuat Piston Pro($$$) would fit it. I can use most of the travel on some features in Tulsa, but just nothing steep or long enough to let the long and slack part really shine. It ends up being more of a boat on the tight twisty trails around OK.
The Grim Donut lives! That is a STEEP seat tube angle. That helps explain why the bike would have to be so long! What a beast!
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Had my wheel tensioned and trued from factory settings and 200 miles of abuse. G from CrazyBearBikes did the work and said it was all out of whack and that I should notice substantial improvement in lateral stiffness. I rode the bike almost 15 miles tonight and climbed 1,600 feet. Bike felt good, as usual. I didn’t notice a difference in the feel of the wheel, but at least it rotates a mm farther from the chainstay now. It was a thirsty Thursday.
I'm liking this ride-during-the-week stuff. :thumbsup:

I dropped off the offspring at the HS pool and drove up the hill for a ride. I do not like starting my Aliso rides from Alta Laguna (Top of the World) because you have to end with an arduous climb, but hey, I was nearby so just do it, right?

Two fun downs and two hard climbs. I climbed actual Cholla for the first time in over a year. Somebody did some work on it to tighten it up a bit. They did a good job. It was getting nearly 20 feet wide in places where riders were looking for easier lines to climb (hint: there aren't any). I was on my Revel, which means 32 t chainring. Ouch. But I made it. I believe I may be the record holder for slowest times up Cholla without stopping, walking or putting a foot down! :facepalm:

11.75 mi 1720' Weekday Bikes are Fun!

Here's a picture of a bike, a tree and a creek for your enjoyment:

Revel, Tree and Creek 12-27-24.jpg
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I'm liking this ride-during-the-week stuff. :thumbsup:

I dropped off the offspring at the HS pool and drove up the hill for a ride. I do not like starting my Aliso rides from Alta Laguna (Top of the World) because you have to end with an arduous climb, but hey, I was nearby so just do it, right?

Two fun downs and two hard climbs. I climbed actual Cholla for the first time in over a year. Somebody did some work on it to tighten it up a bit. They did a good job. It was getting nearly 20 feet wide in places where riders were looking for easier lines to climb (hint: there aren't any). I was on my Revel, which means 32 t chainring. Ouch. But I made it. I believe I may be the record holder for slowest times up Cholla without stopping, walking or putting a foot down! :facepalm:

11.75 mi 1720' Weekday Bikes are Fun!

Here's a picture of a bike, a tree and a creek for your enjoyment:

View attachment 95898
Being So Cal, that's practically a river!