IRC group ride at Limestone Canyon and Red Rock Canyon. First time riding Red Rock. Started super foggy, then got sunny, then got foggy ... eventually ended up sunny.
Big group, 24 including the docents. There was a group of about 10 climby people on hardtails and single speeds with barely any tire tread that I had no interest in messing with on the climbs, but also about 10 people behind me, so at least I was not the drag ass. I only went for the downhills anyway.
I got stuck behind a slow docent down Dripping Springs, so that was a leisurely descent.
However .... once we got to Limestone Ridge, the other docents started talking about a fast docent, and sure enough, there was one. I chased him on Limestone Ridge, which was good enough for a PR on the first half and just 6 seconds off my PR for the entire trail. I just ran out of gas towards the end. Pushing it for 12 minutes is tough at 54.
I am glad there is actually a fast docent though. He also grabbed the KOM on one of the Red Rock singletracks and I settled for a 2nd place cuppie. I might have to do the open access on Saturday to see if I can do anything about that, but that might be counterproductive with hikers in the way.
Definitely some fun trails in Red Rock Canyon. Some pretty grueling climbs too. I look forward to checking it out on my own.
The ride was supposed to be 24 miles and 2,500 elevation, but ended up 5 miles short for the same gain ... meaning all that elevation was compressed and somewhat hard on me, LOL.
5,500 total elevation for my Friday/Sunday is pretty good for me. Now I just need to make an effort to ride twice a week and I might get back into some kind of riding shape.
Good times.
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