I set off for a repeat of Saturday's Whiting-Luge-Whiting successful hip experiment, but didn't quite make it.
As I mentioned in
Who's Riding Where, there were indeed the 3,247 hikers on Borrego that I predicted. Most I've ever seen. ...So that was neat!
Once I got to the end of Borrego and went up to bag Cattle Pond, the traffic thinned dramatically. Nobody on Cattle Pond and only about 1/8th of the people on Mustard. But - as I was climbing Mustard, I noticed my legs were still a bit tired from Saturday and had not completely recovered. OK - no problem.
Up Modjeska - not too bad. Then as I was climbing STT I really began to notice my fatigue. I was craving some calories, but didn't have any with me - only water.
By the time I got to the top of the hill before the descent to the Luge Flag, I knew I wasn't going to make the full trip today. I was exhausted and a bit dizzy. I still had a fun, albeit conservative, run down The Luge. It's really overgrown in a couple of sections with near zero visibility - kinda fun in its own way, but not speed friendly. A little beat up in a couple of sections, but that helps test the suspension settings!
The short climb out was rough, and I walked the steep off-camber corner. The last little bit of dh was still fun with a couple of small jumps. Then it was down Live Oak to Cooks for the left turn of shame! (One turns right to return through Whiting). Up Glen Ranch Road back to my car and then emergency refuel at Wahoos. That was the best tasting Wahoos EVER!
The lesson I learned as a newbie 35 years ago - that I chose to ignore today - got me! Bring calories! (A few Clif Blocks would have been sufficient). I had a half a bagel and 12oz of Scratch before my ride. Evidently not enough.
Still - what an amazing day out there! Oh - and I saw exactly ZERO other mt. bikers or hikers after I started up Modjeska. None on the STT climb. None at the flag. None on The Luge. One lone rider came by me the other direction as I was resting and putting on pads at the top of STT. He asked if I was OK. I said I was tired, but didn't ask him for food!
That's a pretty long ride report for a nothing ride! Oh - it was sunny and cool.
13.6 mi 2027' Bikes are still fun.
Undernourished riders, maybe not so much.