Ahhhhhhh Goat Mountain exploration ride.
I wanted to recon the trails, which I never rode, for a possible option when
@Danimal is going to be in the hood.
First off, all the tour guides were not able to lead the ride until next week......too late. So it was The Beast ( as recommended by the local shops) and meeee. As much as I like the bike, it was overkill for the route I took.
Found a nice parking spot at the Forks Resort. This would be the only flat spot of the field trip.
With all the information given to me and the screenshot maps, I got this. Why does everything on the maps look flat ?
Not going into any details, because I would get permabaned from this site......
Wrong bike for the ride
No trails are marked couldn't find all the singletrack.
Had no idea where to go, even after a phone call to a local.
I hate fireroad climbs.
Basically did an out and back, so 6.5 miles was 2000' of climbing and 6.5 miles decending.
Forgot my tools and spare parts at the car.
I did not like this ride
13.5 / 2006
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The only cool spot
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Back at the lake
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