iMTB Hooligan
Power to your wife, tick. My wife also just entered a male-dominated engineering realm.My wife is a professional engineer. When goes out to check out progress on homes she’s done the structural for, she’s often mistaken for the decorator. And she’s constantly dealing with contractors who won’t take direction from her, or making unsolicited comments, etc. She’s not one to make a PC stink about it, but that doesn’t make it ok.
Inappropriate talk is sometimes used. I get it, I worked construction; the private-sector construction industry is still about XX years behind in gender relations. Your wife handles it exactly like mine does. She blows it off and does her job. Then the offender tries to be nice once he realizes he's dealing with an unshakable badass. She's uninterested in women's engineering groups for the very reason that she doesn't want to be embroiled in these issues. Haha, I love that – too much drama for her. Her words, mind you.