Help the bottle cage neophyte

@mike, being ambidextrous is where it's at in this case. :cool:

Like me! I write with my left but can legibly write with my right, throw with my right, switch hands while using a white board/chalk board. Never noticed that last part until people pointed it out to me at the front of a class. Always use my right hand on foggy windows too although I’m “left handed” on paper.
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No, I use my right hand off the bar to grab stuff. My left hand always on the bar.

Either side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, ya know. So chronically right brain-dominant people are often left handed and left footed. :unsure::cool:

From Psychology Today: "Right-brain dominant people are characterized as artistic, innovative and often random." I consider myself right-brain dominant, so I guess that makes me chronically random.. Whatever maybe that's why I "retired" young and will now work til I die. More on that somewhere else. Anybody seen my bottle?
Like me! I write with my left but can legibly write with my right, throw with my right, switch hands while using a white board/chalk board. Never noticed that last part until people pointed it out to me at the front of a class. Always use my right hand on foggy windows too although I’m “left handed” on paper.

I write left handed but do everything else right handed.