Have a happy day

Beware the devils lettuce... it will do terrible things like make you watch bad netflix movies you don't care about, eat ice cream and (gasp) go to bed early. The travesty.

The Government ought to give marijuana away. Domino's would overtake Apple/Exxon as the most valuable company. H.R Puffinstuff would once again rule TV! And going to bed early would involve carnal activities and giggling. Beautiful!

I'm so happy!
I never attend these events where naked women in body paint are on skateboards/bikes/other stuff. It's usually centered around telling us how horrible humans are, and that we're killing the planet.

I have no patience for that. Apparently I will never see these girls in person. :cool:
I ran out of patience when Earth Day occurred around me in Golden Gate Park. I was not impressed. :stop:
I imagine a lot of trash was left behind. Trash on the ground is disgusting. Littering is unamerican. It's unimmigrant as well. It's heathen, and those beings should be ashamed of how far behind they have been left in social evolution. Did you at least get to see any boobs?