Happy New Year IMTB Family

Thanks for the good tidings, all!

Have a great year, starting today. Find your bliss...


Wow! You all are very efficient!
You have recycled this HNY thread 3 years in a row now! [clapping emoji]

We made it another year, well most of us... :oops:
Some have left us. Some gracefully, some not so.
I know sometimes it can not be prevented. Some have had issues outside of imtbtrails that was part of a catalysted departure.

Another good year of imtbcycling, and some times of heated debate.
The one over shadowing being the good ole eBikes...

I would like to propose that our site goes eBike Free this year. I say that as our majority is clearly not pro eBike and to be honest, I am not pro eBike as well. There are acceptions but here and now it is not open for debate. I only bring this up as I’m hoping for less drama and that subject is low hanging fruit.

We did an pretty good job of keeping politics off the site but had a few jabs here and there, to include even from me, I’m sorry.

So what I’m getting at is... let’s focus HEAVILY on what this site IS all about for 2019.

:thumbsup:MOUNTAIN BIKING:thumbsup:

Can’t go wrong there!
Remember to always post kindly, respond kindly, interpret other’s post’s kindly.
Ride hard, ride often, and ride 2019 injury free!

Best place on the planet to escape this crazy world if you are a Mountain Biker. Blessings for all of you!

Happy New Year Hooligans!

Hooligan in Chief
Happy! Happy 2019 to our IMTB family. In case you missed it we were asked to be in the Rose parade with the Forest service representing different user groups and to wish Smokey bear aka my BFF who is turning 75 yrs young a Happy Birthday!,along with our brave forest service firefighters and U.S Forest service staff from Washington DC and Calif. and our FS mules ..Have a great & safe 2019 everyone! from Mcg and me and Smokey bear, big hugs .. Thank you ♡ IMTB






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