Etiquette question


iMTB Addict
So while this was really a nonevent, and I don't feel like I did anything wrong, I suppose it's always productive to check yourself so I figured I'd run it up the flagpole. I was coming down Chesebro today, and got to a section that I overheard someone call "the wall". Not sure if it's actually referred to as that, but it's a section I've seen in a couple videos. A short but relatively technical descent or climb. I rolled up on it and there were a handful + of people at both the top and bottom (probably a dozen or so between both ends), mostly straddling bikes and sizing it up. Some chatter going on, and one guy with a failed ascent walking up, out of the preferred line. Hard to tell if it was one big group, or gaggle of smaller groups. As I approached I paused, but didn't fully stop. Nobody seemed ready to drop, and the preferred line was open, so I just went down. I thought I heard a grumble or two from above, but could be wrong, and got a couple "nice job" type affirmations at the bottom. Waved, and kept going. So, it's not like I actually snaked anyone, and nobody SEEMED ready to go, but I just didn't feel compelled to stop among a group that size and figure out "who's on first". Fair play?
So while this was really a nonevent, and I don't feel like I did anything wrong, I suppose it's always productive to check yourself so I figured I'd run it up the flagpole. I was coming down Chesebro today, and got to a section that I overheard someone call "the wall". Not sure if it's actually referred to as that, but it's a section I've seen in a couple videos. A short but relatively technical descent or climb. I rolled up on it and there were a handful + of people at both the top and bottom (probably a dozen or so between both ends), mostly straddling bikes and sizing it up. Some chatter going on, and one guy with a failed ascent walking up, out of the preferred line. Hard to tell if it was one big group, or gaggle of smaller groups. As I approached I paused, but didn't fully stop. Nobody seemed ready to drop, and the preferred line was open, so I just went down. I thought I heard a grumble or two from above, but could be wrong, and got a couple "nice job" type affirmations at the bottom. Waved, and kept going. So, it's not like I actually snaked anyone, and nobody SEEMED ready to go, but I just didn't feel compelled to stop among a group that size and figure out "who's on first". Fair play?
If nobody is going, just call out that you are.
Snaked the drop in fer sure dood!
Sometimes i will wait for riders to get a head start so I dont ride in their dust or catch up to them too soon.
If that were the case, and you snaked in, I'd be upset, but I think you are ok here.
Or maybe they where filming it and you wrecked the shot? :)

Hopefully you yelled " IMTB STRAVA" before hand!
I'd say you're in the clear. I know that section well and most people going up don't have a problem with others coming down because they're trying to rest from the short punchy climbs right before/size up the line. It seems like you stopped to check it out before blasting down so all good in my book. I also know a lot of groups tend to let single riders pass through.
So while this was really a nonevent, and I don't feel like I did anything wrong, I suppose it's always productive to check yourself so I figured I'd run it up the flagpole. I was coming down Chesebro today, and got to a section that I overheard someone call "the wall". Not sure if it's actually referred to as that, but it's a section I've seen in a couple videos. A short but relatively technical descent or climb. I rolled up on it and there were a handful + of people at both the top and bottom (probably a dozen or so between both ends), mostly straddling bikes and sizing it up. Some chatter going on, and one guy with a failed ascent walking up, out of the preferred line. Hard to tell if it was one big group, or gaggle of smaller groups. As I approached I paused, but didn't fully stop. Nobody seemed ready to drop, and the preferred line was open, so I just went down. I thought I heard a grumble or two from above, but could be wrong, and got a couple "nice job" type affirmations at the bottom. Waved, and kept going. So, it's not like I actually snaked anyone, and nobody SEEMED ready to go, but I just didn't feel compelled to stop among a group that size and figure out "who's on first". Fair play?

This is not surfing. You're good.
It never bothered me that people did that. I always figured that if other's are sitting around it's all good but, I do have some riding buddies that get really annoyed when that happens.
Just yell... @Mikie Watson comin' through, Bitches!

It'll work. Trust me. :whistling:

Seriously, through... You might have snaked it, but if they weren't going and you didn't hold anyone up... No harm, no foul. Some people are way too touchy.

I have a riding buddy that gets really offended when people do that. I never used to give it a second thought until he said something, now I try to check or feel it out.
If it's clearly a newb or large group that's going to be slow, I'll just play dumb and roll through.
"The Wall" is a place that can get clogged at both ends due to repeated failed attempts by riders to clean it. It's not a beginner section. With a lil' skill and strong legs and you can power up and through it just fine, though. But it is a bit intimidating the first time you see it from below. I'm sure everyone here knows a section like this in their regions, too.

So, like I said early on, make sure that you call out that you are going if there are others there. A collision there could mean a helicopter ride out.
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Thanks, all, for the feedback. Based on some of the vids I saw I have the impression that a lot of people stop and session this run. As was going down I did hear someone from the top yell down to someone at the bottom asking if they were going to climb it again. I imagine this spot becomes a bit of a cluster on weekends, so I kind of treated it accordingly. That said, I can see a more protracted pause at the top to assess being more prudent. Will do that next time, and I appreciate the perspectives shared to apply elsewhere.
"The Wall" is a place that can clogged at both ends due to repeated failed attempts by riders to clean it. It's not a beginner section. With a lil' skill and strong legs and you can power up and through it just fine, though. But it is a bit intimidating the first time you see it from below. I'm sure everyone here knows a section like this in their regions, too.

So, like I said early on, make sure that you call out that you are going if there are others there. A collision there could mean a helicopter ride out.
This actually leads me to another question. I went DOWN Chesebro, having come up Palo Comado. Maybe it was just a product of the time (around 9am at that point), but there was a crap ton of people coming up, and virtually no one coming down (if I stopped people would pass by coming up, but not down). I mean, I know these trails aren’t unidirectional, but I really felt like I was going against the flow on that stretch. Is that how that trail typically flows?
Just tell them.....

This actually leads me to another question. I went DOWN Chesebro, having come up Palo Comado. Maybe it was just a product of the time (around 9am at that point), but there was a crap ton of people coming up, and virtually no one coming down (if I stopped people would pass by coming up, but not down). I mean, I know these trails aren’t unidirectional, but I really felt like I was going against the flow on that stretch. Is that how that trail typically flows?
Not necessarily. Depends on how lazy, or not, the weekend warriors are on a given day.
This actually leads me to another question. I went DOWN Chesebro, having come up Palo Comado. Maybe it was just a product of the time (around 9am at that point), but there was a crap ton of people coming up, and virtually no one coming down (if I stopped people would pass by coming up, but not down). I mean, I know these trails aren’t unidirectional, but I really felt like I was going against the flow on that stretch. Is that how that trail typically flows?

I almost always come back down Cheeseboro Canyon but yes a lot of people like to take Cheeseboro up and then Palo/Sheep Corral down.
Just yell... @Mikie Watson comin' through, Bitches!

It'll work. Trust me. :whistling:

Seriously, through... You might have snaked it, but if they weren't going and you didn't hold anyone up... No harm, no foul. Some people are way too touchy.
I have used this method and it has indeed been effective....:whistling:

I think what you did was manly and impulsive. Showed the others you are a dood of conviction! The women who were there to witness, I’m confident swooned.

You get the thumbs up from me and I am big on trail etiquette.
I have used this method and it has indeed been effective....:whistling:

I think what you did was manly and impulsive. Showed the others you are a dood of conviction! The women who were there to witness, I’m confident swooned.

You get the thumbs up from me and I am big on trail etiquette.
Thats one thing I have never seen at The Wall in all of my years and years of visits, a female.
I have used this method and it has indeed been effective....:whistling:

I think what you did was manly and impulsive. Showed the others you are a dood of conviction! The women who were there to witness, I’m confident swooned.

You get the thumbs up from me and I am big on trail etiquette.
Haha, awesome. Though, females or no females, I feel confident there was no swooning. Real talk: This was not the move of a rider confident in his skills, so much as just not liking the vibe of a bunch of folks standing around watching, so I just wanted to keep rolling and not mess up a decent flow I had going. I took rider's left going down, which seemed the obvious preferred line with the exception of one pretty precarious step down just less than half way down, then smooth sailing after that. I spent my pause, such as it was, seeing if anyone was about to make a move, more than properly sizing up the line, so I didn't catch that until I was already committed. Having rolled in like that I felt I'd forfeited the opportunity to stop, recalculate, and potentially walk a section so I just hung on, hoped for the best, and kind of got lucky. I doubt it was pretty, but I made it, and just kept trucking. But I like your take much better.
Idk, dropping-in is like cutting someone off in traffic. It’s just dangerous for both parties.

It's always on a case by case basis. If people in cars are sitting on the side of the road gazing at the sunset, passing them by doesn't bother anyone. If they are waiting for a little ol' lady to cross the street, and you blow by them and cut around, no bueno.

As far as I'm concerned, the most dangerous part about mountain biking is other people. Any time I see anyone on the trail and we aren't riding together, it means I am going to be adjusting my line, my speed, or both.