know your battery and charger bms. This story, as all ai generated click bait links... only captures a tiny part of the story. You need to be just as careful with your ebike battery as you are with your cell phone, laptop and/or shady ecig batteries (yuk). Cheap cells do not have a protection circuit built into the cells, nor does the battery or charger have sophisticated protection circuits. Moral of the story, don't buy cheap crap with lithium batteries, and if you have an old device with a lithium battery, in your house that you have gone more then 4-6 months without out checking it and/or charging it... get it out of your house immediately. Lithium batteries want to live between 20%-80% and do not want to be over charged or discharged, don't charge your devices when not at home and don't leave them off or on a charger for extended periods of time.