Conservancy Rides

Well, expected bad news; the ride at Gypsum for 12/23 has been canceled because the grounds were too wet even though it hasn't rained yet. Hero dirt this PM though.

I've been registered for two of them that got rained out, and I skipped the windy one. Mother nature does not want me out there, apparently. :laugh:

I'll try registering for the one on the 30th tomorrow morning.
I've been registered for two of them that got rained out, and I skipped the windy one. Mother nature does not want me out there, apparently. :laugh:

I'll try registering for the one on the 30th tomorrow morning.

Weren't you gonna go on Friday the 15th?
We had a decent ride, hit almost everything but the fire road in less than six miles.

Twas a bit different as the ride was led by a couple of OC Parks Rangers. One of them pointed out some lion scat; said they've got two juvenile males they see often.

Not a docent to be seen. The other 100 or so that I have done have been all docents/trail guides whatever hierarchy naming they use.
Oh, and they let two guys ride E bikes. Said they were pre approved due to ADA reasons. We'll see where that slippery slope takes us.

One of the dudes was heavier than me, the other seemed really fit, but was probably 70ish.
I met a Ranger on a Limestone Open Access ride a couple of months ago, and he opined that I would have no problem getting a pass to use "e" (maybe he noticed that I was moving so slowly he couldn't tell which direction I was going). Not for me --- yet, maybe ever (who knows?).