iMTB Hooligan
Anecdote is not the singular of data and all, but here you go: My left forearm was really hurting form this afternoon's ride. I might have a virus, and so am just generally sore. Anyway, I wanted to try some CBD/THC oil to see if it would help. If not, I would take a Naproxen and be done with it. I took about 6mgCBD/1.5mgTHC sublingual oil, and literally could feel the pain stop in about 30 seconds. Like a switch was flipped. My arm is still generally sore and I don't feel great (still kinda' sick), but the acute pain in my forearm is totally gone.
Follow up: I ended taking waaaay to much THC. While it zapped the arm pain nearly immediately and I went right to sleep, I woke up a bit later and head was spinning. I re-checked and actually took 2mg not 1mg, but it messed up my sleep as it must have been pure sativa strain. I am VERY sensitive to THC. So head was spinning for a three hours, then went to sleep, but wasn't great sleep.