But then - the hardtailers will go off one way, then they will splinter into the SS hardtailers vs the geared hardtailers vs the
downcountry pragmatists vs the "overbiked" endurbros. Then a group of emtbikers will "ride" past...
I kid... I hope.
@Mikie thank you for this thread, and I appreciate your desire for a forum with 0 politics and 0 e-bikes, but we are relatively grown men and women. We cannot be isolated from the occasional political jab. As
@Cyclotourist mentioned above, some threads are inherently political - most are not. We can choose which to read and which to avoid. I love the idealism, ethic and culture of "politics free" but I don't like the idea of iron-fisted censorship to protect us from ourselves. I don't want to protect my daughter from every discomfort in this world and I have noticed that most of us are capable of handling our disagreements in a mature way. Not always, but the center will hold and the kids will be alright.
(And yes, I throw in some political innuendo from time to time, but I am generally in favor of critical thinking and not polarization.)