Back Relief w/ Little Effort

Sorry for reviving this one. Anyone with chronic back pain? What do you do to manage the pain?
Sit-ups. Not kidding. I find sit-ups not only strengthen the core, but the motion helps my back.

Try this: start on Monday and do 10 sit-ups. Every day increment by ten, so you do 20, 30, 40, 50 the first week. Take weekends off.
Week 2 you start at 60 and end at 100, week 3 you start at 110 and end at 150, etc.
If you can make it eight straight weeks, you finish the last day doing 400 sit-ups. By that point you will definitely see (and feel) a difference.

I call this the Robert Smith challenge after a buddy of mine in the Army who used to box, and did 600 sit-ups every day. I have never been able to get to 600, but 400 is quite an accomplishment!
My back is all jacked up too (stenosis in the lumbar), along with my hips (arthritic) and I'm starting to get the sneaking feeling that I've had an inguinal hernia on the right groin for much of my life. The last thing I need now is surgery to add to all the stresses of being a "responsible adult". :laugh:

Matt, considering your diagnosis, you're fortunate that you aren't suffering to the extreme. Call that a blessing. I don't know whether to suggest doing exercises that could potentially make it worse/painful (while trying to strengthen) or to just take it as easy (on your back) as you can. I have reached the point of chronic pain in recent months but I always feel better after a ride (or being active) because it loosens the tightness and super heats the muscles.

I have a muscle rub called Deep Blue (by doTERRA) that is by far the best I've ever used for soreness. If/when you experience pain, you might consider that one. I also use a large electric heat pad and take long hot baths, as hot as I can stand it. Oddly, ibuprofen is starting to not work on me anymore. :(
My back is all jacked up too (stenosis in the lumbar), along with my hips (arthritic) and I'm starting to get the sneaking feeling that I've had an inguinal hernia on the right groin for much of my life. The last thing I need now is surgery to add to all the stresses of being a "responsible adult". :laugh:

Matt, considering your diagnosis, you're fortunate that you aren't suffering to the extreme. Call that a blessing. I don't know whether to suggest doing exercises that could potentially make it worse/painful (while trying to strengthen) or to just take it as easy (on your back) as you can. I have reached the point of chronic pain in recent months but I always feel better after a ride (or being active) because it loosens the tightness and super heats the muscles.

I have a muscle rub called Deep Blue (by doTERRA) that is by far the best I've ever used for soreness. If/when you experience pain, you might consider that one. I also use a large electric heat pad and take long hot baths, as hot as I can stand it. Oddly, ibuprofen is starting to not work on me anymore. :(
Honestly, weight/strength training absolutely helps, and I firmly believe that the fact that I've done it consistently since I was a teenager is the primary reason I feel as decent as I do now. In the last couple years I've definitely experienced diminishing returns with heavy (1-4 rep sets) squats and deadlifts, but anything from 5 reps and up, with proper warm up, definitely helps.

And yeah, I know Deep Blue well, and use it frequently on my neck :thumbsup:.
Honestly, weight/strength training absolutely helps, and I firmly believe that the fact that I've done it consistently since I was a teenager is the primary reason I feel as decent as I do now. In the last couple years I've definitely experienced diminishing returns with heavy (1-4 rep sets) squats and deadlifts, but anything from 5 reps and up, with proper warm up, definitely helps.

And yeah, I know Deep Blue well, and use it frequently on my neck :thumbsup:.
Glad to hear that strengthening works for you, and for most everyone who will commit to doing it.

Are your conditions genetic? My body is jacked up from lifting 40 pound buckets of water for a living for the past 25 years. I'm like the old school trash men form the 70s who used to hand lift the full trash cans one by one.... totally spent. :laugh:
Glad to hear that strengthening works for you, and for most everyone who will commit to doing it.

Are your conditions genetic? My body is jacked up from lifting 40 pound buckets of water for a living for the past 25 years. I'm like the old school trash men form the 70s who used to hand lift the full trash cans one by one.... totally spent. :laugh:
At least partly, or mostly genetic. I tested positive for the HLA-B27 gene a decade or so ago, hence why I started seeing a rheumatologist. Apparently the presence of that gene can manifest (or not) in several different ways, with AS being one. The stenosis part I'm not completely sure about, but I know it's at least somewhat related. Still learning as I go.
I hate giving fitness advice, because everyone is different ... and for some it is too late. Genetics also play a part.

What works for me might not work for you... but like others have mentioned, constant movement is key. Get your 8,000+ steps every day, and men age 40-50 should be able to dead hang for at least 2 minutes.

Stop eating that added sugar, aka poison.

Push ups, pull ups, strength training.

Maintaining muscle mass as we age is ridiculously important. Our level of muscle mass/strength is #1 predictor of all cause mortality. Attia, Huberman, Patrick, Rogan all preach it.

Lift heavy things and never stop. Anyone here who follows my Strava knows what I do. I post it to encourage. 53 in the pic, 54 now.

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Natural , homeopathic anti-inflammatory pain relievers. Arnica Montana t relief . You can take as much as you need and it will not hurt you. It is homeopathic so for it to continue to work you have to stay on it every few hours. I have used this for many years now. Sometimes a week at a time. I take a does before rides and for the rest of the day after. No nsaids for about 6 years now. Amazon, sprouts and some pharmacies.
Go baby!
What the Sage says is true.
I took some yesterday before my ride, and for the remainder of the day and I am feeling good this morning.
I hate giving fitness advice, because everyone is different ... and for some it is too late. Genetics also play a part.

What works for me might not work for you... but like others have mentioned, constant movement is key. Get your 8,000+ steps every day, and men age 40-50 should be able to dead hang for at least 2 minutes.

Stop eating that added sugar, aka poison.

Push ups, pull ups, strength training.

Maintaining muscle mass as we age is ridiculously important. Our level of muscle mass/strength is #1 predictor of all cause mortality. Attia, Huberman, Patrick, Rogan all preach it.

Lift heavy things and never stop. Anyone here who follows my Strava knows what I do. I post it to encourage. 53 in the pic, 54 now.

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Crap right when I thought everything was working good. Had a pretty solid PT session last night. My back was a little sore after (good sore) . But Got up this am back was a little tight and instead of easing into the morning and stretching a bit I started moving too fast. Ran out to the garage yank the bike off the wall and threw it on the rack and then suddenly.... Back not happy!!! Arghh.. spasmed a bit. It'll be settling down. Hopefully crap!

It's a reminder I haven't been doing my whole routine that I just spoke of above LOL!
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What many of us need to work on is not sitting when rolling through a "smooth spot" section of the trail between the roughs. Even smooth dirt will aggravate your back when seated because your legs aren't taking the shock.

So, stand people, oh please, remain standing.
What many of us need to work on is not sitting when rolling through a "smooth spot" section of the trail between the roughs. Even smooth dirt will aggravate your back when seated because your legs aren't taking the shock.

So, stand people, oh please, remain standing.
Nah - just buy one of those suspension seat posts or an Allsop beam from the 90s! :thumbsup:
I stand relentlessly even through little stuff... Comes from riding a hardtail so much.

Also this afternoon soon as I could do it. I started on the yoga from the book already making my back feel better.. come on Mr. Brown just do it everyday and everything would be just fine!!!
I stand relentlessly even through little stuff... Comes from riding a hardtail so much.

Also this afternoon soon as I could do it. I started on the yoga from the book already making my back feel better.. come on Mr. Brown just do it everyday and everything would be just fine!!!

I sit fully dropped for at least half of The Luge. Probably why I am so slow on that particular trail ...