Autumnal Equinox Blackstar Ride

Some photos. 5:30 at the Tree Farm. Jim and I got to talk about his arm surgery :)

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Twilight at Beek's. Things starting to turn golden from the setting sun. Really nice!

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Sunset. I love the pines at Beek's. I know the view is less obstructed at the trail intersection, but something about watching the sunset through the trees...

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Darkness. I think this was right after @Stkx66 and his daughter headed down, which is why they aren't in the photo.

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Perfect ride conditions. I was surprised to see some dudes riding UP the trail at about 8PM. Perfect night for it.

The trail is moderately torn up at the very bottom where they are removing the old pavement. Nothing you can't easily ride through, but a little loose in spots. By the way @Rumpled , last year we not only biked several weeks earlier (8/29), but my Garmin had us leaving the Tree Farm about 10 minutes earlier. I think we might have tried to leave at 5:15(?) I just know we had more sun last year.

I was hoping to see @Andy , @Grego , and maybe @mtnbikej on the ride. You guys missed out!
Wanted to go but didn't get home til 6 from work. :( Hopefully make it the next one.
Trying to answer everything...
Grego, shoulda shown up and maybe caught up
Jason, if you didn't break so much stuff, you could have joined us (seriously, someone hire this guy as a tester - if it survives Jason, it can survive anyone

Yes, last year was 3+ weeks earlier due to the fact that I was gonna be out of town for the Equinox, did it as the Unofficial no End if Summer Pre-Labor day ride. So, we me ade sunset on that one.

Winter Solstice? - Most probably. In continuing my new tradition; we will try. The actual solstice is Friday, December 21st. In light of holiday parties and such, I would most likely try for Thursday, the 20th. It will be dark, and likely cold. Pencil it in.

Thanks all for coming, I think we ended up with an even dozen all told.