Anyone know this guy?

I would never mention the name of a secret surf spot, fishing spot, MTB trail, dive bar, massage parlor, poker game or other shadey endeavor.... but....

The idea that any of the illegal and barely survivable/rideable trails in the Laguna area are “secret” and will be better or exist longer without mention on strava/mtbr/FB/YouTube is silly. They are easy to find by just watching people ride by and enforcement is zero.

I did originally find Car Wreck years ago by watching a YouTube vid, so maybe i am full of poo
So about these trails, are they unsanctioned? Hiking only? Made without permission? What exactly makes them illegal? Or are they just trails that are hush hush more locals only....

Should no one be riding them? I don't really know much about the situation out there.... Just curious.
I would never mention the name of a secret surf spot, fishing spot, MTB trail, dive bar, massage parlor, poker game or other shadey endeavor.... but....

The idea that any of the illegal and barely survivable/rideable trails in the Laguna area are “secret” and will be better or exist longer without mention on strava/mtbr/FB/YouTube is silly. They are easy to find by just watching people ride by and enforcement is zero.

I did originally find Car Wreck years ago by watching a YouTube vid, so maybe i am full of poo
Not silly. Social media is the primary reason these trails are on the radar. From dozens of runs per month to hundreds and perhaps even thousands.

And Car Wreck is legal, 'though it wasn't until about 2010.
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Just because others have already done it doesn’t make it ok in my opinion (posting trail names that shouldn’t be posted). The more followers guys like this get the more they are bumped up the google ladder which in turn makes these trails even more open for scrutiny.

Go ahead, post the video, but don’t label the trail names in the video title or description is all I’m asking. Then again, these dudes seem to get off on riding in masses like those street bike riders do so the problem isn’t going away.

The more is not always the merrier. I still think the guy is a DB and am sure the guys who built and maintain those trails would feel the same.
Wow as in that trail was awesome.. but now i know why people dont really talk about it bc it was on private property but allowed
Haha.. i just read ur post corn.. mine was after urs but just coincedence..

All good, I didn’t post this thread to quarrel with you guys... just not a fan of dudes putting videos out there of trails that shouldn’t be.

I have yet to hear/read a legitimate argument as to why it is ok for a video to include the name of an off menu trail. Anyone who thinks that we should all be posting this kind of information out there for the masses to see can kiss my rear. We have enough issues to deal with already and I think these social media hoes don’t help any. If you want to learn about new trails than go explore some, don’t rely on YouTube for directions... that’s a poor excuse/counter argument.
So you condone it? Again, just because someone else does it doesn’t make it right or a reason to follow suit. That’s the issue with today’s “look at me” social media crowd.

F@ck no. I never would. My point is that it’s much bigger problem then some DB on YouTube. The pros are worse. I found a new one in my hood the other day that i never would have ever seen if it was not for a local pro who strav’d it.
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F@ck no. I never would. My point is that it’s much bigger problem then some DB on YouTube. The pros are worse. I found a new one in my hood the other day that i never would have ever seen if it was not for a local pro who strav’d it.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because he’s a small dude on YT doesn’t mean it won’t have an impact. Someone mentioned before that they know this guy or know of him and his group of friends, who ride in big groups. Exactly what we don’t need in our local parks.

Call me racist but I don’t care because I’m not a snowflake and there seems to be a huge influx of these very large groups of asian dudes at county parks on weekends. There, I said it. Not saying there hasn’t or isn’t groups of other cultures out there but what I’ve seen with my own eyes doesn’t lie.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because he’s a small dude on YT doesn’t mean it won’t have an impact. Someone mentioned before that they know this guy or know of him and his group of friends, who ride in big groups. Exactly what we don’t need in our local parks.

Call me racist but I don’t care because I’m not a snowflake and there seems to be a huge influx of these very large groups of asian dudes at county parks on weekends. There, I said it. Not saying there hasn’t or isn’t groups of other cultures out there but what I’ve seen with my own eyes doesn’t lie.

I think you should contact him via phone or snail mail and make it known that you and others do not appreciate him and his large groups disrespect for our local MTB culture/system of secrecy. Or whatever else you want to tell him.
I think you should contact him via phone or snail mail and make it known that you and others do not appreciate him and his large groups disrespect for our local MTB culture/system of secrecy. Or whatever else you want to tell him.

Get me his phone or email and I will.

Actually, he posts his Strava links to all these rides in his videos so I’ll go that route. Thanks for the idea.
Get me his phone or email and I will.

Actually, he posts his Strava links to all these rides in his videos so I’ll go that route. Thanks for the idea.

He replied to a comment on one of his youtbe vids:

"Gordon Shumway what difference does it make if I put the name of the trail or not? None of these are secret trails."

So he knows what he is doing.

Like you said's all about the "look at me". I mean why bother listing the other riders and the bikes they are riding.
He replied to a comment on one of his youtbe vids:

"Gordon Shumway what difference does it make if I put the name of the trail or not? None of these are secret trails."

So he knows what he is doing.

Like you said's all about the "look at me". I mean why bother listing the other riders and the bikes they are riding.

I’m following on strava now and he even bothers to name all the trails in the tittle of each ride. One things for sure, his stoke is undeniable
He replied to a comment on one of his youtbe vids:

"Gordon Shumway what difference does it make if I put the name of the trail or not? None of these are secret trails."

So he knows what he is doing.

Like you said's all about the "look at me". I mean why bother listing the other riders and the bikes they are riding.

Yep, I’m over it. He’s just part of the #lookatmetoo movement.

Now I regret using my real name, Cornholio, on here because it makes me look like a hypocrite.