+100 degree club

Use butter instead of sunscreen. The vultures will appreciate it!
High of 50° Monday on White Mountain Peak. Sheesh, the parking area at 12k will be 63°; I'd be happy stopping there.

And it's a full moon...

I started thinking about this one, and got all excited! All excited I got until I remembered my deadlines and my wife and pictured my boss shaking his head at me. White Mointains are the place to be! Full moon and alpine are it! Methuselah SOT session under full moon one of these days...
I wish I could find a way to shut down the AC at work and watch sweat drip of all three chins of those who say, " we are moving our staff meeting from the park across the street to the office kitchen because it's too hot outside and things that aren't supposed to sweat would sweat."
Maybe we could move this party out to Ventura County? If they don't put out the fire in Santa Barbara before Monday it's really going to suck here.