Allow me to elaborate......
After my :08 ride last night on my bucking bronco, I had some aches and pains going on. I though about bailing on the ride earlier this morning. I took some Advil before I left.
Got there late'ish, but I think we still left on time. Right away everything in my legs were tight and sore.
@Faust29 was out front setting the pace. Neither of us were really feeling that great.
Well, we trudged on and eventually reached 5 mile turn. The pace picked up a little bit at this point...but that is because the trail gets flatter. Down into 7.25 mile Point of No Return DH.....the next 1.5 miles to the gate was where I cranked up pace. Felt like we were fighting a headwind, but I also knew we were making good time. There was talk of a possible PR, so we pushed. Turns out we had a bit of a tailwind the last mile or so....which we noticed when we started to head back down.
Trail is getting a bit slippery. Was a bit hesitant to jump the water bars with the wind blowing.
Good times.