I Rode My Bike Today...

I noticed that the rear wheel (Crest) had a pretty good wobble, so I swapped it for the Arch from the full suspension bike. Add the Wolftooth, the newer cassette, set it up tubeless, and head out for a test ride!

18 miles around the local loop... No biggie, but the Arch seems to roll ok. :thumbsup: It's probably in my head, but it does feel a little heavier- maybe slower to spin up? It might just be that it's different, and I'm so used to the Crests... Or I'm mental. o_O

I had my 16 year old drive me to the Path to drop off the Crest to be trued... It was his first time driving in the canyon on his learners permit. Lord, Help me. :poop:
This mornings ride was a slow ride up Blackstar from the tree farm to Hagador peak and back. Slow is the only way I ride these days but I'm making progress. I went with my friend Jeff (he promised to sign up for IMTBtrails, soon), the last time I took him up Blackstar, it was cold, and windy and he hated it. Today the weather was perfect, the dirt was even better, and he loved it.
23.2 miles - 3,451 feet
The Lake Forest figure 8 with Danimal and N8Ag
Thoroughly disappointed with you guys... I started a half hour before you and you didn't catch me:sick:. But was a good day for a solo to clear the lingering chest/sinus/ear infection goop out, along with some other mental antagonists. Ran into buddy Lui and a bunch of his buds at the flag all full of giggly enthusiasm for going up to old camp. Not for me today. Happy for a cruise down the luge and back through Whiting and edison with few people sightings, but for one gaggle of hikers gawking at a herd of deer, or maybe the deer were gawking at themo_O. A good day on the bike to help stoke the stoke.
Thoroughly disappointed with you guys... I started a half hour before you and you didn't catch me:sick:.

We're slow, we're slower than you!

Good ride today, but damn...get out of shape quick with no week day rides!
The HR2 tire on the rear is slow, really slow! Replaced a 3 week old tire today with a new faster tire from todays The Path tire sale. ( Or it's just me that's slow :rolleyes:o_O)
So I now have a front tire on reserve Just in case...!
I rode my bike today. I did a much more normal Aliso ride. Cholla to Lynx (PR), then Mathis to Meadows.

It was REALLY cold to start out, but once I turned up Wood Canyon it was tolerable. I decided to wear my armor as arm/leg warmers and I was regretting that decision for the first 15 minutes of the ride, heh.
I went for a ride this morning.

Fun ride this morning with my wife, H2O Chick and Greg. Started off at the bottom of Willow....ugh!!! Wasn't looking forward to it after yesterday's ride. However it actually wasn't that bad. Greg got a flat on Fenceline. Trailwork on Camarillo had us walking the really fun parts. Did a quick out and back over to NIX. Once back at the parking lot, the others were enjoying bloody mary's...so I head back up Willow to Bommer for some extra credit. Fun times.

14 miles / 2500' ascent


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I had to pull domestic duty yesterday and it about killed me. Between a ride invite from Mikie that I had to decline on and then several awesome ride reports yesterday I was feeling kinda lost and left out. Woke up today ready to ride till I looked at the thermometer and it said 35°. Sat around and had a couple cups of coffee shooting the :poop: with the wife and waiting for it to warm up and when I saw 37° at 8:00 I was gone. Warmed up to mid 50's or so. Solo ride no plan and no destination just me and my bike and my iPod in one ear. Hit some trails and some blacktop and had a good time. Riding solo is nice once in a while but it's not much fun talking to yourself and singing karaoke. No pics cuz I didn't stop.
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Marshall Canyon solo from garage. 12.5 miles, 1,700' elevation. I made it back just as it started raining. Had a good time, albeit at a relatively slow pace. Feels good.

On a side note, do any of you ride, or know anyone who rides, the slopes from Sunset Ridge down to Marshall Canyon? Those chutes see Rampagey. These photos are of a water tank at the base of one such chute. I don't have most of what it takes to ride that, other than total interest. Can someone please take me..?
@Voodoo Tom

Riding solo ain't so bad.....you just get use to talking to yourself. Usually not a problem until you start referring to yourself in 3rd person with the other 2 voices in your head. Unfortunately one is always gonna feel left out.

I also don't recommend singing to I ones self.....I find I get the same 1 verse stuck in my head for hours....just sounds like a broken record.
@Voodoo Tom

Riding solo ain't so bad.....you just get use to talking to yourself. Usually not a problem until you start referring to yourself in 3rd person with the other 2 voices in your head. Unfortunately one is always gonna feel left out.

I also don't recommend singing to I ones self.....I find I get the same 1 verse stuck in my head for hours....just sounds like a broken record.
I hate when I tell myself jokes, I haven't heard yeto_O. It gets annoying!:mad: