Best ride of the year so far with
@mtnbikej , the Professor and Vince.
Started from Anaheim Hills.
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First time up Coal for the Professor and Vince. Vince was out of sight by the second turn,
Josh handled it well.
Conversation made the climb less miserable. Quick break at the rock pile then Vince would join us for the rest of the slog to Sierra Peak.
Vince goofing off
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Down to Beeks where we said a quick hello to
@horsebikerider . Tried to coax the the guys into TL but no go.
All good though. Great time riding with these guys.
Vince and I departed for Troy Lee. Probably my fourth time on the trail. I'm really digging it.
Had a good time flying down. Each time getting faster on this rutted steep ST. Got sucked into a deep rut but tri-podded out of it thankfully. Didn't hit the drop.
Vince go-pro'd his run. Maybe he'll let me upload it. At the bottom we climb Skyline. I was kinda hoping we'd take sart back but Vince was not liking the idea. Ug! Another slog.
Up at Sierra again and back down via Coal. Vince see's the turnoff, the other way down Coal.
What the hell. Steep sh!t I tell ya. We see the turn that goes to the power towers and take it. After a short distance it looked like it would dead end. We turned around, climbed the short distance back and to the next FR down. Totally beat up FR. Unfortunately, we were right the first time but now we are committed.
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Down we went some more until there was no FR left. Just a huge rut.
Pushed through the chunky deep rut bush wacking and all. Luckly the FR came back. Ended up and an abandoned ranch. Probably private property.
Continued down finding pavement towards the 91. Approaching a tunnel under the 91, I new where we were. One problem, there's always a locked gate at the other end of the tunnel. Vince turns the corner into the tunnel. The look on his face was like F...! Then he lighted up and kept going.
I round the corner and also see the huge locked gate we can't get through.
But what's this? There are two Rangers staring at us from the other end of the gate. I thought we were going to get a ticket and I'd be fine with that, just get us through. Nope, they were friendly as you could be saying this must be your lucky day. We talked a bit of our journey and thanked them graciously. What a day! 36/6000 I'm beat.