Yet another collar bone


Yes like the title says another broken collar bone. I haven't been online lately due being busy at work, and also being jealous of rides that I can't do for a couple of months. It happened about a month ago on the Luge, not due to difficulty, but trying to chase down a friend that's faster than me. I was carrying too much speed into a turn, got a foot or two off the trail and the handlebars got caught up in some mustard and turned the handlebars 90* to the right and that's all she wrote. I don't remember too much after that, so luckily I was riding with friends that day and they helped walk my bike back to Live Oak Canyon Rd. A big thank you to them and also to an unknown rider that gave up an ace bandage that was converted to a sling.

First pic is from the ER the day of, and the second pic is 3 weeks later with broken piece considerable closer to being reattached to the other end. The human body is an amazing thing, being able to heal itself like it does.

Keep the rubber side down.

collar bone ER.JPG

collar bone 3 weeks later.JPG
Yes like the title says another broken collar bone. I haven't been online lately due being busy at work, and also being jealous of rides that I can't do for a couple of months. It happened about a month ago on the Luge, not due to difficulty, but trying to chase down a friend that's faster than me. I was carrying too much speed into a turn, got a foot or two off the trail and the handlebars got caught up in some mustard and turned the handlebars 90* to the right and that's all she wrote. I don't remember too much after that, so luckily I was riding with friends that day and they helped walk my bike back to Live Oak Canyon Rd. A big thank you to them and also to an unknown rider that gave up an ace bandage that was converted to a sling.

First pic is from the ER the day of, and the second pic is 3 weeks later with broken piece considerable closer to being reattached to the other end. The human body is an amazing thing, being able to heal itself like it does.

Keep the rubber side down.

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Sorry to hear about this. Sounds like you were pushing yourself, and that's a good thing. Mistakes and injuries happen when you do that, as we all know. As far as The Luge is concerned, much better to go into the weeds than over the edge!

Healing vibes to you, and get back to the chase when you can!

PS - much better than obtaining an injury falling over in the parking lot or on a flat piece of trail, right?
Yes like the title says another broken collar bone. I haven't been online lately due being busy at work, and also being jealous of rides that I can't do for a couple of months. It happened about a month ago on the Luge, not due to difficulty, but trying to chase down a friend that's faster than me. I was carrying too much speed into a turn, got a foot or two off the trail and the handlebars got caught up in some mustard and turned the handlebars 90* to the right and that's all she wrote. I don't remember too much after that, so luckily I was riding with friends that day and they helped walk my bike back to Live Oak Canyon Rd. A big thank you to them and also to an unknown rider that gave up an ace bandage that was converted to a sling.

First pic is from the ER the day of, and the second pic is 3 weeks later with broken piece considerable closer to being reattached to the other end. The human body is an amazing thing, being able to heal itself like it does.

Keep the rubber side down.

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Ouch. Looks like an unusual break. Glad it is healing up.
:eek: NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo........

I have always wracked my brain on how we can come up with something simple to protects those fragile bad boys. Seems to be the most common break.

Well you are already healing up, so continued healing vibes Noel. :thumbsup: Be back at it in no time.
@Mikie , as I have said before they should rename it the "Mountain Biking Bone".
Let's start a petition and send it to the American Medical Association to get that name change going. :p
Gnarly x-ray! Sorry to read about the break, Heal up fast!

I see what you did there Hrz....yeah, I fell over yesterday while stopped on a fire road chatting with Chris :facepalm:, nice bruise on the arm. I'm blaming the clip-in pedals, yeah that's it....

Sorry to hear about the break, get better soon. Amazing how the body heals itself after a break like that.

But a funny story about crashing in a parking lot- a couple of buddies and I flew up to San Francisco with our bikes years ago to ride back down on the “1”. Bike boxes went to a freight dock at the airport for pickup. After we picked them up and reattached wheels, handlebars, etc., I was riding around in parking lot looking down at my wheels, making sure they were true. Looked up just in time to see one of those cement parking blocks right in front of me. Nothing I could do, went over the bars, and body slammed the asphalt. Luckily no injury, but what a way to start a 500 mile ride. Funnier now than it was then
:eek: NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo........

I have always wracked my brain on how we can come up with something simple to protects those fragile bad boys. Seems to be the most common break.

Well you are already healing up, so continued healing vibes Noel. :thumbsup: Be back at it in no time.