WW50 9/26/15


Well-Known Member
YUP! It's time for the second annual Wrightwood Fifty. I did it last year and I can tell you that it's a Butt Kicker just like Grizzly100. The only difference between the two is that all the non sense underlined below has no place in the WW50. Therefor there are no registration fees.
"Required insurance. Required fees from the jurisdictions involved. Equipment rentals. That number plate. Finisher buckle. Staffing requirements by insurance and jurisdictions that must be paid, certified individuals. Support for not only those participating, but for those volunteering."
It'll be you and your bike and a bunch of kick ass people. Room is limited to fifty, if you want to do it don't think about it too long or you'll miss it.
Register here... http://wwfifty.weebly.com/
See you there.
Nothing to it. Stats are about 48.5/9.5K

Last year I camped at Mount Oak CG which is about 20 miles into the ride and right across Jackson lake. This time it looks like they're not taking reservations (first come first serve).
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Crud! 1st Triple Crown race is the next day..
I did this last year and is brutal - much more difficult and much more fun than the stats suggest!!! Now I gotta decide; XC race on urban semi-ST roady courses, or epic WW adventure... hmmmm...

Ok - thought about it for 30 seconds. I'm in - just submitted my name for the start list.
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Berni - give me a call or text if you still have my cell number. I have yours somewhere but not in my new phone for some reason. Are you still planning on camping? Let me know and I would like to share a camp site w you if that's ok...