Video: Dead Cow Trail


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Bomp pah Dee Dah Bomp pah Dee Dah, Happy Trails to you, until, we meet again...
(Don't worry, that's not the tune)

Dead Cow! down in Agura Hills. A much better run than we had earlier in the soggy fog on Suicide.
I followed Scottay down, him riding a hardtail with 3 inch tires...

Scottay, UPSed, MTBHotRod, Burt, Tom the Bomb, Dennis, and me, having a blast!
Chunkmaster generals....

Actually, I thought deceased bovine looked just as chunky as Suicide, but I'll take your word for it, until I ride there with you (a must do).
Dead Cow is MUCH easier to ride (at least this time). I remember it being much more chunky the time before and Suicide much more "cleanable" than this time...