I guess I was one of the early converts.....
In 2003 I got a Gary Fisher Sugar 293. Loved the big wheels, hated the steep head angle and 6' chain stays. Nearly impossible to get the front wheel off the ground.
I kept it about 6-8 months.....replacing the the front triangle that cracked. I was still riding a SC Bullit at this time, and also went back to riding a SC Chameleon.
Then in 2006 I went back to 29....but this time SS w/ the '06 Redline Monocog. Yeah, I bought a $300 bike and put a $100 headset on it.
I would keep this bike for a few years....rode it alot. Enjoyed the SS. it was heavy....28+ lbs of Chromoly steel. Again, it was 1 of several bikes in the garage.
Then in 2008 it was time to get a geared 29er. I was running into knee issues on the SS, and started doing some racing, so I needed a geared HT. So I got a 2008 Fisher Paragon. Really liked the bike
This would be my go to bike for about 18 months.....then it broke. Fisher was great and replaced it, but it was a design flaw and I wasn't sold on having it fail again and the shop I was working at was no longer a GF dealer.....so I sold the replacement frame and tried something really different.
2009 I ordered up this badboy......
Ventana El Pardrino. First time buying a frame from a very boutique manuf'er. Really liked it. However it kinda had the same issue as the Sugar 293....the rear chain stays were on the long side. I did some endurance races on it. I honestly planned on keeping it.
But......somebody came out with this: (not mine...can't find my pics)
So I sold off the Ventana....I was back to FS 29er....and carbon....and Santa Cruz.....Win, Win, Win. This would be the bike that finally pushed me away from 26" wheels for good. I still had the Heckler when i got the TB. However, I was able to ride 90% of everything on the TB that I could on the Heckler, and it was lighter and it climbed better. So I finally decided to ditch the Heckler.
Part of the reason for selling off the Heckler....was to start on a slippery slope that I fell head first into.
2010/2011 I got rid of the 150mm trail bike for this......
2011 Salsa El Mariachi....really really loved this bike. Rode it hard...harder than it was designed for. Rode it everywhere. Only thing I didn't like....it was heavy. 5.7 lbs frame. Eventually this bike took the place of my beloved Tallboy.
However I still rode the Tallboy from time to time.....more so on technical trails and road trips. Then I cracked the Tallboy in 2013.....and SC sent me this:
Tallboy 2 Carbon....yeah, still have it. Still ride it every once in a while. Still a great bike, just not my go to.
2013 saw me get rid of the Salsa, because once again someone came out with this:
Santa Cruz Highball.....fast, light, nimble. I would put 1000's of miles on this bike. It did everything I wanted it to. I rode it hard...really hard. Eventually it was no match for me.....Eventually it gave up the ghost.....
But don't frett....SC took care of me....
So i have been on mostly 29er's since about 2006/2007. Until 2011 I still had a 26" bike, but I rarely rode it. I am comfortable on 29's. I have been riding them since they were like driving a bus....handling sucked, but they rolled over everything.
We recently picked up a tandem with 26" wheels, and it does feel a bit funny. I could not picture myself going back to a 26" single bike. Never spent any time on a 27.5 bike. For me there is no need to.....I don't need a long travel trail bike which would be the only reason for me to possibly think about a 27.5 bike....but there are enough 120-140mm 29 trail bikes that I'd go with first.